This sacrament is an arrow pointing back. It points to the broken body and blood of our Lord. And so we remember His great sacrifice. But this sacrament is also an arrow pointing to this very moment. It points to you and me, and the unity we enjoy through Christ as we gather here in His name, and the fellowship we saints below have with the saints above. But it is also an arrow pointing forward. It points to a final consummation of the church with her Lord.
So this meal reminds us of Christ’s redemptive work in the past. It reminds us of His eternal supply of grace which He bestows on His people in each moment. It lifts our eyes to see the end of all our hopes and prayers and desires: our resurrection into endless life, where we shall enjoy perfect, unbroken communion with the Triune God for endless ages.
These last few weeks, our body has longed to be able to partake this meal together, in the assembly. That longing for enjoying this meal together should be a spur to us to look forward to the day when our faith shall be sight, our prayers turn to praise, our hopes shall be made manifest, the sacrament shall be substance.
In taking this meal we “shew the Lord’s death till He comes.†So look back and behold the great price that was paid for your salvation. Look right here and see the early blessings which the Lord has surrounded you with. And look forward with eagerness when the Lord of the Sacrament shall come, and give to us the full inheritance which He purchased for us with His blood. The inheritance of unbroken fellowship with the Father, Son, and Spirit, without sin, sickness, sorrow, or shadow interfering ever again.
So come in faith and welcome to Jesus…
Latest Book

The Gospel of the Pentateuch
Jesus and His Apostles quote the Old Testament with surprising regularity. We would do well to observe the example of their use, interpretation, and application of Scripture. Here is a series of short reflections on New Testament citations of the Pentateuch. The aim here is to let the New Testament authors “show us how it’s done.”
It is also available over at Amazon in Kindle and Paperback.
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