There’s an important exegetical point which we make whenever we baptize a child of believing parents. We don’t baptize babies because we want to coo over sweet little cherubs, with all their adorable chins of baby fat. We do this because faithful exposition of Scripture demands it.
God didn’t decide to wad up the promise He’d made to Abraham and pitch it out the window and start from scratch with Jesus and those who believe in Him. The coming of Christ isn’t the failure of God’s promise to Abraham, it’s the fulfillment. Likewise, baptism isn’t a replacement of circumcision, it’s the flower of that seed.
Jesus was the fulfillment of what God had promised to Abraham. All those who trust in Christ are true children of Abraham and share in the same promise which was made to him. The exegetical point we make here is that God’s promise stands as firm now as it did that starry night when God assured Abraham that His seed would possess the gates of his enemies. God has promised and He will make good. This baptism is a faithful reception of that same promise to us & to our children.
So welcome covenant child to Jesus Christ…
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