We live in a covenantal world. The blessings are only blessings in covenant. Outside of covenant grace, the blessings you hold in your hand are contraband.
Children are a blessing, but not an automatic blessing. A foolish son, we’re told, is like bone cancer. Sexual pleasure is a blessing, but only within the marriage bed. After all, the whorehouse is a doorway to hell. For those outside of the covenant of grace the simple blessings which we all meet with at every turn & with every breath turn into monstrous blasphemies.

God sends rain on the righteous & the unrighteous. To the righteous each drop is received with grateful faith, because they’ve been given eyes to see that each drop is an undeserved gift. Conversely, the unrighteous will one day find that each drop of rain that fell upon them is another indictment against them for refusing to render God His due. They won’t acknowledge Him as Lord & Creator of all things, so the raindrops & sunbeams will one day take the stand against them. Each breath taken was given by Him. He was the engineer which designed their heart to pump a million molecules of blood through their veins every moment of every day of their life. Every ray of light which lights their days, and every morsel of food they eat comes from Him. But because they refuse to enter the covenant by rendering praise for these blessings, it’s all stolen goods.
How much more, when we come to this table, should we be mindful that we come to eat at the covenant board of Christ? You eat blessing here only if you eat by faith in the covenant mercies of Christ our Savior. This is the cup of blessing, only because it’s the cup of God’s covenant love to us through Christ.
So come in faith and welcome to Jesus Christ…
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