If a pushy salesman shows up at your door to hawk his wares you are unlikely to cave to his spiel. No matter how slick he is, no matter how many Jedi mind-tricks he tries to play on you, you are disposed to be suspicious of “too good to be true” sales pitches.
This is suspicion is well applied when it comes to fending off the salesman. However, our cynical suspicion can all too often leak into our understanding of what Christ holds out to us. What He holds out to you, as shown in the meal, is everlasting life. Bread for your hunger, wine for your thirst, and an assembly of fellow saints to enjoy it all with. It is beyond our comprehension that this is pure gift. Christ gives this to us as sheer grace.
There is no fine print. There are no hidden fees. The only thing required of you, He also provides. He calls you to see, and gives you eyes. He offers you this bread and gives you hands in order that you may “take, and eat.” This is, of course, what faith is. It, too, is a gift. The gift which enables you to hold all the other gifts. The marvelous glory of our salvation is that it really is entirely a gift, so that none of us can boast.
If such a gift is given, the response should be nothing other than love. Indeed, that is why the early church took to calling the Lord’s Supper a love feast. That indeed is what it is. His love is great towards His people, and if you have heard the splendor of Christ crucified on your behalf then receive it. Without objection, without cynicism, without excuses, without embarrassment at how great the gift is. Here is love, so respond in love.
So come in faith and welcome to Jesus Christ…
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