This is the second part in my series addressing several of the issues raised by President Obama in his recent State of the Union Address. Part One can be found here.
The President proposed offering free Community College, and though education is a vital and important aspect of any nation’s future, we would be fools for handing over another sector of our education system over to a government that has been an abysmal failure when it comes to education. According to some accounts, the USA is fifth in the world for how much we spend per student, and yet we are 17th overall in mathematics & reading, and 21st in science! To illustrate this, if an NFL team had the 5th highest paid roster, yet failed to make the playoffs year after year, heads would roll, coaches would be fired, and the fans would be deeply frustrated. Â
The President’s proposal is sentimental, and will certainly garnish popular approval, because we’ve created a culture that thinks it deserves something for nothing. The problem is one, we can’t afford it (which I will touch on in a couple days), and two, our government has proven unable to handle our children’s education thus far and I highly doubt that this latest program will help much, or at all.
Furthermore, while certainly child-care is a big need for many families, the gall of the President to propose a program which provides free child-care for pre-school children should raise some concerns for a few reasons. Again, it should be pointed out that the government has already proven rather ineffective and inept at educating our children, and getting our them at a younger age will not help.
Secondly, our children are indeed receiving an education, but it is an education and indoctrination into humanistic and secularist propaganda. The point of education is to train our children to think rationally and logically about the world and the issues we face, and then to be able to debate those ideas and solve those issues effectively and maturely. Our education system (which the President seems to be attempting to expand from just a K-12 system into baby to young adult) is built upon a faulty understanding of why we should educate our children; the humanists view education as a means for self-discovery. Thus, we don’t teach children how to think and what they need to know, instead we are teaching them to find who they are and figure out what makes them happy. When this is the goal of education, we will end up with sentimental and mindless narcissists who will do the bidding of whatever happens to be trending on Twitter.
Lastly, even if this was a good idea––and it isn’t––did I already mention we have not the money to pay for it, and we are taxed enough already!
Read Part One here!
Read Part Three here!
Read Part Four here!
Read Part Five here!
Read Part Six here!
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