The Left’s favorite Bible verse, and perhaps the only one they know, is “Judge not, that ye be not judged (Mt. 7:1).” Take that back…they also know the one Levitical law about sewing two types of seed in one field or sewing a garment with two types of fabric (Lev. 19:19), which they trot out to make us embarrassed about even thinking to appeal to God’s Law when it comes to sexual regulations.
But “judge not” is still their pet-verse. So, let’s use it shall we? The next line, for those who have actually read it in context proceeds thus, “For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again (Mt. 7:2).” In essence, whatever the standard is with which you are demanding another be judged, you must be willing to submit yourself to the same standard of judgement.
This is really delightful. So, Kavanaugh has been accused of (now multiple) instances of sexual shenanigans.  The Left is demanding that the FBI investigate all these accusations. We wouldn’t want our Supreme Court sullied by such a miscarriage of justice would we? We wouldn’t want such a bastion of uprightness which has ruled that black men were property, mothers can butcher their babies in utero, and two dudes can enter the fruit-bearing union of marriage. No, we’d never want the bench soiled.
A Sexual Audit of Congress
So I propose an audit of the sexual history of all members of Congress. The whole debauched lot of them. We want a list of the parties they attended, who was there, and what went down. How many interns have been paid off, after all?
What measure you mete out, it shall be meted out to you. But that’s not what this is all about. This isn’t about justice. This is about power. Today, Dr. Ford (Kavanaugh’s accuser) and Kavanaugh both gave emotional testimony. DURING the hearings both the GOP and Democrats sent out campaign fundraising emails. The gnawing hunger for power is a heckuva drug.
In the maelstrom which is 2018 politics, do not forget that this is a fight. Father Christmas might remind us that battles are ugly things when women fight them. The battle will be fought in the pristine (insert sarcasm here) halls of our government. But the battle will be won by fathers fighting for their sons to be men of honor. Sons who aren’t given to strong drink, porn, or sloth. The battle will be won by fathers defending their daughters by insisting they not go to those parties. The battle will be won by mothers sacrificing the cultural prestige of a career for the greater privilege of rearing their children to fear the Lord.
Tit for Tat
What is taking place in front of us is the bruised ego of progressives retaliate for the scorching of 2016. If they are successful in destroying Kavanaugh, and taking back the Senate, House or both, the Republicans are already threatening to employ similar dirty politics. The tit for tat of vengeance will always lead us to destroy our enemies.Â
The Gospel offers a means whereby we might route our enemies. It doesn’t offer a touchy-feely, “let’s all get along” mindset. It demands that we all die, in Christ, to our sin. The death of Christ is the only means whereby any family, city, or nation might have peace with each other; and only by being at peace with God first.Â
Our nation has embraced sexual license and now is flabbergasted at how bad that’s worked out. Our nation has enshrined avarice, and then are shocked when those whose ambition brought them to the top abuse their power. We’ve knocked the load-bearing wall out of the house our more godly and wise forefathers built, and now wonder why there’s a sagging ceiling in the living room. The only recourse is to return to the Gospel which airs all our dirty laundry, all our vile secrets, and offers forgiveness for it all…through a man whose reputation and very life was sacrificed for yours.
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