The sooth-sayers have preyed upon our desire for rest and refreshment, but they do so without obeying creation law. Magicians in lab-coats conjure up pseudo-rest in the shape of pills and treatments. Entertainment wizards leave us spell-bound through the feeble-fables they put on our screens. The witches of tyranny cackle and intimidate us to subservience, under the enchanting message that this is all “for our health & safety.” The Necromancers have convinced our nation that killing the unborn will bring us self-fulfillment.
But God carved deeper magic into stone tablets as Moses looked on, revealing the secret to true rest: “Keep the Sabbath day holy.” Here, at this table, is the pinnacle of what it means to obey that commandment. The blessing of the Sabbath is not only creation law, it was also covenant law, and then, in Christ, redemptive law.
You have no rest apart from partaking of Christ. You cannot keep the Sabbath by neglecting to partake of Christ and doing so with His body. The common American practice of “I don’t need to go to church to be refreshed, my church is out in nature” is just eating the sorcerer’s poisoned apple.
The enchantments, spells, and dark sayings of our modern wizards will leave you more exhausted, more depleted, and more empty than before. The deeper magic of creation reveals that we are restless until we rest in God. Christ is the fullness of Him that is all in all. In Christ is abundant life. In this bread is true renewal. In this wine is true reprieve. In this company of saints is true renewal. In this Word is the deepest magic, the magic that tells you your sins are forgiven, death has been conquered, and God’s gift to you is everlasting life.
So come in faith and welcome to Jesus Christ…
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