The elite (UN, WEF, MSM) want you to think of the world as they envision it: unity under their direction. Conspiracists (Ye, Jones, Qanon, etc.) want to convince you that the real world has been taken from you by the elites, & you must follow them to see through the veil. The former is a vision of the world based on luciferian vanity; the latter is a vision of the world based on satanic envy. The truth is that rebellious man will always try to erect a tower of his own magnificence, for his own pride & glory. He wants mankind, without reference to God, to be the uniting principle of the cosmos.
This inevitably leads to the wickedness of “The Great Reset” variety. Other men, rightly perceiving the wickedness of totalitarianism, set out to withdraw into a mystery religion that can see through all the smoke & mirrors. But in order to arrive at their secret knowledge you must adhere to their envy, resentment, & bitterness.
The Christian must look at the totalitarians & the conspiracists through the Word. The Secular Globalist project is damnable for its pride. The Conspiracists are damnable for their envy. Both must be called to repentance. There is probably more wickedness in the halls of globalism than even the conspiracy theorists imagine.
There is probably more truth in the conspiracy theories than the MSM will ever admit. But your job, as a Christian, is to see the world according to Scripture. Christ has bound the Strong Man & taken his stuff. The world is Christ’s. Not the vanity of the elites, nor the imaginings of the shock jocks can thwart the advance of Christ’s Kingdom.