Leviticus 26 (Part 2)
The Punishment for Unbelief
Continuing on in Leviticus 26, we notice a dramatic shift from the overwhelming blessings that God desires to pour out upon those that keep the covenant. The blessings could be split into three categories:
- The blessing of rain from the heavens resulting in a miraculous and abundant harvest. The Christian cannot make the heavens rain, but in keeping the covenant of grace, God has promised to open heaven’s windows and provide a bountiful harvest of the fruit of His Spirit.
- The blessing of a conquering and overcoming of any evil beast or any multitude of the enemy. The Christian cannot overwhelm the powers of this world or the works of Satan, but through our God we shall do valiantly. This blessing is a blessing regarding the battle against the enemy.
- The final category is the overflowing barns. God fills the Christian brim-full so that they have “strength to spare,†so to speak.