Christ’s humble entrance to Jerusalem isn’t the entrance of a mealy-mouthed push-over. Too often humility is conflated with having a boiled noodle for a spine. Humility isn’t timidity, shyness, or insecurity. Humility is thinking of yourself in accordance with what God says about you.
Christ came, in all humility, to win the lawful Lordship over all the earth. He suffered the indignity, in order to enjoy the dignity of receiving from His Father the Name above all names and being crowned Lord over all. His humility was not aimless insecurity. His humility was displayed in His obedience to the Father’s will. As the Apostle tells us in Hebrews, Christ endured the cross, despising the shame for the joy that was set before Him. The joy was the kingdom He would claim and the bride He would win. His humility was demonstrated in giving Himself entirely to His Father, in order to be given all things by His Father.
As the bride of Christ, we join with Jesus as He takes dominion in this world. We take dominion by imitating our Bridegroom. Joyfully we humble ourselves, not to what the world think we should be or do, but to be & do as our Head has commanded.
As you reflect on Christ’s humiliation this week, keep in mind what Aslan said at the end of the Narnia stories, “You do not yet look so happy as I mean you to be.” Christ humbled Himself, in order to gain the joy. You’ve been brought into that joy. The joy of claiming what Christ rightfully died for is ours. The joy of suffering for the Gospel is ours. The joy of sharing in His shame is ours. Joy is the key signature. Joy is the bass line. Joy is the melody. And joy is the song.
The Lord Jesus has given us a great commission, to preach this Gospel in all the earth. Too often we draw back in timidity, instead of stretching forward in courageous faith. When we shrink back in false humility it is because we trust more in the strength of our enemies than in the power of our God. The gates of heaven are flung wide, inviting all the nations of the earth to stream in to worship at Christ’s throne; the gates of hell have been ripped off their hinges and carried away by Christ, the true Samson.
Yet we dawdle away our time on trifles, we nurture secret sins, we compromise with worldliness. All of this is a failure to acknowledge the Lord Jesus as the true King of all the earth. The simple Gospel gives us courage. Through Christ, you are no longer in your sin. God has chosen to set His favor on you. This is the good news that humbles us and fortifies us for the mission He’s given to us.