The serpent beguiled Eve in the Garden; it was she, in her beguiled state, who gave Adam to eat of the fruit and thus he too was deceived and fell. The dragon went for the weak one, and having won that precious crowning jewel of creation uncontested, the whole kingdom fell under his jurisdiction. This was one of the worst aspects of mankind fall from God and grace. Satan turned Eve from being the submissive helper of Adam, into the very instrument by which the he intended to ensnare Adam. She was given to be his helper, she was deceived and became the bait.
Today the twittersphere is awash in the latest obligatory hashtag ceremony in worship of “femininity.” #InternationalWomensDay. Make no mistake, this is not a celebration of women or of femininity. It is a sacrifice of it. It is largely a publicity stunt to grow the brand of women (and Bruce Jenner) in showbiz. It isn’t an exercise in praising women who exemplify the meek and quiet spirit which is precious in God’s sight; it is a demand that women be more like men.
Be loud.
Be firm.
Be you.
Objective standards of virtue, elegance and beauty are not the centerpiece of the festivities. Rather, it is a liturgy of self-deifying actualization…”eat this fruit, ye shall be as gods.” They are not applauding women who are actually exhibiting what a glorious thing a woman truly is. They are praising women who are the antithesis of femininity and womanhood. Our culture is trying to make the sopranos sing bass, and then wonder why the whole choir is flat.
Out of fear and cowardice, men have abdicated the grunt work of standing against injustice, and left it for the womenfolk to do. Our culture insists that womanhood is a state of mind, a journey of self-discovery, that anyone with enough money can attain unto. At the end of the day, what we most certainly do not have is the precious gem, far above the price of rubies, that is a virtuous woman.
#InternationalWomensDay is not praising women who love, honor, and obey their husbands. How do I know? Because most of these starlets “raising awareness” for women’s causes regularly get into bed naked with a man other than their husband for the gratification of movie-goers. And this is the source of her income. Not the fine handiwork of her spindle, fine linen, scarlet clothing, hard work, and tireless enterprising.
Our culture is not rising up and blessing virtuous women today. Instead, we are celebrating women who praise, donate, and promote the butcheries of abortion providers. Every woman is a potential mother of kings, and a queen of nations. But these hashtag activists who want to empower women, insist that the primary sacrament of empowered womanhood is the desecration of the greatest work of womanhood: that of bearing and raising her offspring. International Womans Day is a celebration of women who hate their husbands and fathers, and who sacrifice their babies in order to attain unto self-actualization. Recognize what this really is. The coils of the serpent are being fastened more firmly around the neck of the weaker vessel.
God made the woman to be man’s helper. Men must not give way to the fear of (wo)man. The failure in Eden was largely due to Adam’s failure to first of all defend His bride from the serpent, and secondly, by simply “going along” with the whole diabolic strategy. In our day, as in every age, God wants men to be fearless of their foe, and fear God alone. Men must do battle with the serpent; his serpentine coils are strangling our women with the lie of becoming something opposite of what God made them to be and bear. God made them to be queens, and to bear his image.
They are queens by acknowledging the rightful order of authority, with Christ as head over it all. Her submission to her husband is to be indicative that we are all “under God.” Further, she bears God’s image by being like the Church. The church humbles herself and trusts entirely to her bridegroom, Christ; God says that a woman with this meek and quiet spirit is precious in His sight, because it is a parable of how the Church obeys her Lord and master. The Church is also fruitful, and thus women should not spurn that they are physically designed to bear children in the image of God, and nurture them to love and fear God. The Church is commanded to make disciples, and a mother does this in miniature as she raises her brood. All of this is glory, but only for those with eyes to see.