The Lord Jesus is not an abstraction. He is the God of all creation who took on flesh, dwelt among us, died in your place and mine, and then was resurrected with a real and glorified human body. He now sits enthroned, and all principalities and powers must adjust accordingly. Pagan unbelief wants a god in the abstract, a god that politely stays in its place, a god that never actually shows up. But the problem for all unbelief is that Jesus lives and reigns.
To assure us of that, He left us two signs. A sign of water and a sign of a feast. Water to wash us of our filth, and a feast for all who are made clean. He is not an abstraction nor are His covenant mercies abstractions. The doctrines of grace are not nice metaphysical categories. No, they are more real and solid than iron or diamonds.
Because Jesus is resurrected with a real human body, we should not be at all surprised that He gave us real bread and wine to be the tokens of His resurrected body. You want to be certain that You share in the everlasting life He won for the church? Well He left you bread and wine. You want to be confident that when your body is laid in the grave it will one day be resurrected and glorified to be an immortal body? Well, He gave you this Supper. Lord’s day after Lord’s day, for 21 centuries, God’s people have had a celebratory feast of real bread and real wine consecrated by our ever-living Savior: Jesus Christ the Son and Lord of King David.
All other worldviews are fundamentally escapist. The Real God gave us real food to be real signs of His everlasting covenant love to us.
So come in faith and welcome to Jesus Christ…