The President made this claim in his State of the Union address: “no challenge poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change.†This is, perhaps, the President’s most irresponsible and alarmist statement of the speech. The claim of man-made global climate change is founded on models that have been shown to be rigged to produce an outcome in support of the environmentalist agenda. So called “climate change†is not the greatest threat to future generations; the wholesale murder of them through abortion is a threat to future generations, our $18 trillion deficit is a threat, our abandonment ofBiblical Christianity and the morals contained therein is a threat…climate change (while climates and their changes certainly can produce dangerous weather) is not our greatest threat.
First off, the notion of global climate change assumes that we humans know what the “normal climate†is for our planet. The global thermostat is being fiddled with, by we carbon belching humans and if we ain’t careful we’re gonna roast! But the evidence points to the fact that a warmer climate is better for us as humans and that we are actually heading into a warmer eon from a period of relative coolness (in which the life-expectancy was rather shorter). Longer life span also means more humans living long, more able to innovate new ways of feeding more people and helping to take care of this home God has given us! We must not assume that we know what is the precise ideal climate for earth. [Read more…] about The Real State of the Union (Part Fifth)
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