A Facebook Scrum
There was a hubbub over on one of my recent Facebook posts. As I endeavor not to be a drive-by Social Media shooter, I would like to take this chance to post some follow-up comments. Here is the egregious thing I said:
Tone Police
In response to this the sirens of the tone police began to wail. I’ve written elsewhere on my rhetorical tactics. So I will not be going back over why sharp language is, at times, a biblical means of addressing folly. Too often, Christians want to be more Christ-like than Christ. Many of the objections on my post are just another example of Christians falling into that line of thinking that we should only ever use the rhetorical equivalent of a feather duster.
What is the “Yas Queen” Ethos?
Now, there is some confusion over what exactly is the “Yas Queen” ethos I was exhorting father’s to protect their daughters from. In the words of Dylan, you don’t need to be weatherman to know which way the wind blows; and you only need to briefly peruse modern Social Media channels to discover that the “Yas Queen” Ethos is the prevalent societal headwind. A generation of young women are being presented with the propaganda that their every choice should be unquestioningly praised. Everything she does should be affirmed. She should feel no shame over sexualizing or uglifying or ungendering herself.
Does she want to wear a skimpy outfit? “Yas queen.” Does she want to shave her hear and get a face tattoo of a serpent? “Yas queen.” Does she want to have her breasts removed? “Yas Queen.” Does she want to abort her offspring? “Yas Queen.” The response to any and every choice of young women is “Yas Queen.” We used to know what this led to, but in these sad times even Christians have a hard time realizing that this is how you get what your Aunt Helen would have called “spoiled brats.”
The Yas Queen Pipeline to Harlotry
This, as I asserted in my original post, will inevitably lead to her becoming anything but a queen, and instead will lead to her becoming a harlot. I will clarify that perhaps I could have more accurately stated that this “Yas Queen” Ethos will lead to her becoming some variety of harlotry.
A harlot is an unprotected women; a women who uses her sexuality loudly (Cf. Pro. 7). She is defiant of her obligations to the authorities which God has placed above her. She forsakes and despises her covenant duties. She will not be denied. As such she is made vulnerable to craven men. Men who will pay to have her humiliate herself on her OnlyFans stream. Men who will profit from her top surgery. Men who will use her to ensure that their sexual fornication has no responsibility attached in the form of a conceived child. Men who will be happy to to use her & lose her. Men who will gladly dress in lace panties, put on gaudy make-up, and in all sincerity claim to be a woman deserving of the same unquestioning applause.
The error of our current moment is that the inner-self is the final authority. This is the error which I will take every opportunity to question, mock, and denounce. Fathers who do not see the anthrax that laces social media will discover that by allowing their daughters to be poisoned by this toxin their little girl will become the sort of woman your mamma warned you about.
Beautiful Women, In Fact, Exist
Lastly, it should be noted that my post did not intend the degradation of women, but the praise of them. When I used an illustration that a woman who shaves her head, dies it neon green, then puts a bone through her nose yet insists on receiving praise for her actions, I was denounced by the Facebookians for paying too much heed to externals. But this is how we have come to capitulate to not even being able to define what a woman is.
There is such a thing as a beautiful woman. Scripture praises Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, Ruth, and others for their physical beauty. It of course teaches us that the inner adornment matters more, but it does not teach the modern “everyone is beautiful” or “body positivity” message which has come to dominate modern thought. There is such a thing as beauty. You should endeavor to set that before your daughters as worthy of emulation. And it isn’t gonna be found in a Victoria Secret catalogue, testosterone shots, or a gender non-conforming wardrobe.
In response to pointing this out, however, there’s an insistence that conservative Christians need to “do better.” But by this is meant that we must not criticize the folly of young women. In this dust-up, more bandwidth was spent defending a worldly attitude than trying to explain what Scripture means by “a meek and quiet spirit” being precious in God’s sight.
Regardless of your agreement with my post, my question would be in return,”what do you make of Scripture’s clear command (Cf. 1 Pt. 3:1-6)? The Yas Queen/Girl Boss ethos is, on its face, quite at odds with the Word. My interlocutors used many zeros & ones objecting to my post without attempting to define & defend what Scripture means by “a meek & quiet spirit”. Nor was there an attempt to square that with how the “strong, independent woman” is a faithful expression of that teaching.
The point still stands. Godly fathers love their daughters enough to guide them into the wisdom of chastity, meekness, and a quiet spirit. This frequently means saying “no” to the unwholesome deeds and unfruitful works of darkness. It means teaching your daughter to choose to say “no” to the ugly thoughts and actions and styles of the world. It means teaching her about how godly women have a great track record of crushing tyrannical skulls, and that she should be ready to do the same to the demon behind the “Yas Queen” ethos.
To sum all this up, Yas Queens need their fathers to tell them, “no.”