Spoiler warning: Men and women are different, with different glories. As some wit once said, “Women are like fine wine, they get better with age. Men––well––men are like milk…†But the glory of both masculinity and femininity have been ruined by the fall. False gospels promise shortcuts to the restoration of glory. Feminism is one such false gospel. It isn’t good news. It feigns to value women. But instead of restoring feminine glory, it turns that glory from a treasure into trash. Rather than liberation, it gives chains. The breast of feminism is filled with the rebellious poison of autonomy, and an entire generation has been suckled by that cruel and envious mother.
The Text
Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear. Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands: Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.
1Peter 3:1-6
Summary of the Text
Peter’s epistle is full of instructions to “pilgrims/strangersâ€. He gives instructions to citizens in regards to their relationship to their governors (1 Pt. 2:13-17). He gives instructions to servants in regards to their relationship to their masters (1 Pt. 2:18), and all of this in light of Christ’s submission to His Father’s will (1 Pt. 2:19-25).
As chapter 3 begins, instruction is given to wives in particular not women in general. Christian wives are to be in subjection to their own husbands, and this is part of their Christian witness (3:1). Their disposition is to be one of chastity married with godly fear/respect (3:2); outward adornment is to take a back seat to internal virtue (3:3-4), particularly the virtues of meekness and composure of spirit. God counts this as precious. This is how all faithful women have been and should be. They trust in God and the demonstration of this is subjection to their own husbands (3:5). Sarah is the perennial example of this godly femininity, and her daughters ought to do the same: see their husband as their earthly lord (3:6).
Two things are worth remarking on in this text. First, the term “subjection†is of course the biggest bone of contention which the slobbering jowls of feminists delight to gnaw on. “See, Christianity treats women as second class citizens!†But the term is a military one. The general has a greater responsibility than the foot-soldier, but both have the same job: win the war. What is the war? It is that God might be glorified, in the restoration of man and woman to their rightful glory through faith in Jesus. This “subjection†is in order that women might be cobelligerents in the battle against sin, the devil, the world; and in this conquest, they become truly glorious.
Secondly, in God’s sight, a meek and quiet spirit in a woman is precious. This is the glory with which God has endowed women: she is the crowning jewel of His creation. As Milton put it, she’s “Heaven’s last best giftâ€. Do you know what else is called precious in Peter’s epistle? Christ. “To You who believe He is precious (1 Pt. 2:7).†How does God treat things that are precious? He keeps them, protects them, and yet will also break them in order to bring about a greater glory.
The Gospel of Christ
So, what is the Gospel? It is this: Christ died on the cross, and rose from the grave in order to forgive your sins and give you everlasting life. Your sin deserved death, so Jesus died for you. You were cut off from God, so Jesus rose again to bring you to God. When God made the world, it was all good…with one thing excepted. Adam was alone. Adam was a lonely king. That wasn’t good. From his side she was fashioned. In beholding her, mankind’s first uttered words were poetic praise for feminine glory. All that glory was dashed to smithereens when Adam and Eve disobeyed and ate the forbidden fruit. But the story of the Gospel is that in Christ, we are being restored to that glorious arrangement. Men who are good kings of creation with a radiant queen beside him to lend a helping hand in the mandate to fill the world with worship unto the Most High.
Creation tells us that there is order. And Scripture tells us there is glory in that order (Gen. 1:3-31). Adam’s origin wasn’t in an autonomous void. Nor was Eve. Adam was made in relation to his Creator. Eve was made in relation to the man. To be human is to hold an office: creature of the Living God. To be man, or to be woman, is to be given a post.
The False Gospel of Feminism
Feminism has a Gospel: “The future is female.†It wants equality at all cost. But the equality which feminism has in mind is an equality where sopranos are forced to sing bass, while the basses are mocked out of the choir for even presuming to sing. Feminism says that in order to be saved we must reject masculine authority. A further tenet feminist orthodoxy is that women and men are interchangeable. The Feminist Catechism might run: Q: Do all women have a uterus? A: No. Q: Do some women have testicles? A: Yes.
In other words, feminism is an attack on the imago dei––the image of God in us. We were not made of play-dough which we get to endlessly fashion to our own ever-changing fancies.
Feminism is Satanism wrapped in the bitter rags of feminine jealousies, lusts, and fears. It wants equality and autonomy. But your body is NOT your own. Your womb is not “yours.†It was a gift. Your very existence is dependent on Another. That Other is a Father. But there is a father of lies, who would love for Eve’s daughters to once again lay hold upon the forbidden fruit of equality and autonomy, thinking that the created order can be overthrown.
Help Take Over the World
While the birthrate in the West has been plummeting, fundamentalist feminism has convinced young women to make “abstinence vows†of childlessness in order to combat climate change and smash the patriarchy. This environmental nunnery is branded as “empowering.†But Ladies…your body makes humans. How is that not the most marvelous and empowering gift to be endowed with?
You want to be a queen? It won’t be by giving your best years to a career or a corporation or to civil service. Let me present you with a scenario of how you can make a remarkable impact:
If you have 4 kids and they have 4 kids, and so on…Your great grandkids living in 2060 would represent a town like Placerville, ID. Your great, great grandkids living in 2080 would be as big as Bloomington, ID (pop. 209). Your great, great, great grandkids living in 2100 would be as big as Moyie Springs, ID. Six or so generation from now, your descendants living in 2120 would be as big as Bonners Ferry, ID, and the next generation would be as many as the residents of the fine town of Star, ID (9,940). The eight generation would be as large as Post Falls, ID and the ninth a bit larger than Meridian. By the tenth generation, sometime in the 2200s, your descendants would be twice the size of Boise.
You want to make a disproportionate impact? Do you want to battle the evil which has corrupted both masculinity and femininity? Then get married and have lots of kids. Raise your sons to wear your instruction like swag around their neck (Pro. 1:8-9); raise your daughters to be mighty women of industry (Pro. 31); and raise them all to love and fear the Lord. And if the skull of an evildoer happens into your path, get out your tent-peg or your millstone and crush it (Judges 4:21 & 9:53).