The culture which rejects Almighty God must resort to listening to the voice of man. But the voice of man vacillates and wavers, whereas God’s Word is certain, true, and unchanging. Election Day is mankind’s pretense of letting the god known as “the will of the populace” speak. In a godless democracy, casting your vote becomes a sacred act.
As Christians, we reject any such notion. Instead, we should treat it like an important chore, like taking out the garbage. Christians should neither elevate voting to a revered act of religious piety, nor should we consider it pointless.
This Tuesday is Election Day, with a number of local/state matters on the ballot. As Christian citizens, it’s our task to defend our liberties not just in this civic activity, but by being a people whose consciences are free.
Only those whose minds have been renewed by the grace of the Spirit will be able to think clearly at the ballot box. The mind corrupted by lust, greed, envy, racial enmity, or vanity won’t vote with clarity. Sin clouds the mind. Sin is self-delusion. Sin in the heart leads to sin in our legislation.
True civic duty isn’t confined to Election Day. Our culture is woefully in need of a people zealous for righteousness. Righteousness in public & private. Righteousness before all men & when no one’s watching. Righteousness in the town square & in the living room. Despising government overreach while regularly losing your temper with your family is a sure fire way to get more government overreach.
Your freedom isn’t secured by a constitution. It is founded on your standing before God. Are you washed clean by Christ? Have you come to Him with all your sin? Are you free because the Son has set you free? If so, go and vote with a clear conscience. If not, repent.
Contrary to the message we hear from the media, it is only a people whose God is the Lord which can be a truly free people. For in Christ alone is the remission of sins, the power for good works, and the clear standard for justice, peace, and truth. We must go to God for forgiveness for our individual and national sins. We have encoded sodomy, usury, abortion, and many instances of unjust weights and measures. We know that all these national sins have arisen from sin which the church tolerated first. May God grant us eyes to see where we have deluded ourselves with our own sin. Then we must trust Him to wash us clean as we confess our sins to Him and those we’ve wronged. We would strive to have our families, cities, and nation truly honor and glorify God, so may we implore our Father to grant us a true heart of contrition & repentance.
The Scriptures tell the story of God delivering His people from their sins, so that they might be at liberty to serve Him rightly. This deliverance always is preceded by God humbling His people. So humble yourselves before Him, and then hear His words of deliverance: Your sins are forgiven through Christ.