When you look upon this table what should you see? The clear answer is that here is the body and blood of Christ, given for you. But why was it given? The answer is that you & I were rebels of God & grace. We were enemies of all that was good. We’d vandalized all that is true. We marred all the beauty.
We were in league with the dragon which had poisoned the world with his lie that we could be like God without being in fellowship with God. Which is like saying you can breathe without oxygen. The dragon kept a close watch on this planet which he imagined he had wrested from the Almighty’s hand.
The ruination abounded. The thoughts & imagination of man’s heart was only evil continually. All the good, all the glory, all the sweetness which God had filled this world with we determined to invert, or destroy, or despise.
Not one human has been born who does not carry the venom of the dragon’s bite within them. The dragon was the lord of this planet. And gladly, mankind participated in making this place a smoking reek of evil.
You were a dragon servant. Not only had you done the dragon’s bidding, you’d done it willfully. You deserved hot wrath, and instead, Christ came and gave Himself for you. This is His body which was crucified in order that your death sentence for treason might be carried out, but not by you. This is His blood which was shed that the evil of your sin might be cleansed, but not by you. And thus, the dragon’s power was overthrown.
So when you look on this table of Christ, given for you, what else should you see? Well, put simply, you should see that the dragon’s fire has been quenched.
So come in faith and welcome to Jesus Christ…