A few thoughts about the results of the Red Wave that turned into something…else. It seems pundits and pollsters and podcasters are all confused, “What does it all mean?” I don’t pretend to have an answer, but I do have some observations that I think need to be kept in mind as we move onward.
First, the Red states got redder, while Blue states got bluer. Florida Men crushed the competition decisively, while my home state of Colorado is clearly a strong blue (and doesn’t look to change to any hue of purple anytime soon). This is going to continue. Demographic trends show that conservatives are leaving blue states, and liberals are coalescing in blue states. There is always some level of transiency in the “red/blue state” paradigm. But for now, it looks like the shifting which began during COVID continues.
Second, the GOP made impressive gains in a number of categories. Married men & women, as well as unmarried men, all broke in the Republicans’ favor. The GOP made headway in appealing to hispanics & blacks. The glaring area where they must do a gut check is in the Gen-Z demographic. They voted in high numbers for Dems, and this is the result of 12 years in public schools. The GOP must recognize that the public school system is an indoctrination cult for progressive ideals.
Third, after a mixed-bag result like last night, when the GOP was hoping for a decisive victory across the board, there will be no shortage of finger-pointing. MAGA & Never-Trumpers will blame each other. But here is something that should be noted, Trump isn’t going away; but his prominence & “king-maker” status is weakened. DeSantis has a clearer case to be the ’24 nominee.
Fourth, the GOP won the House, the Senate looks to be a narrow majority by either party (with GA heading to a runoff). I anticipate it to either stay 50-50, but I’m more optimistic that it’ll be a 51-49 split when all the dust settles. The good news here is that Biden is effectively hamstrung for the next 2 years. Especially if the GOP can drag Walker across the finish-line in GA, and if Maricopa Co. doesn’t find 11,000 photocopied ballots in a back room somewhere.
Finally, all of this should remind us that regardless of outcome, Christians must man their post. This means you need to start a business that creates jobs, have another baby or two, raise your children to love and fear the Lord, invite your neighbors to join you for Thanksgiving Dinner (and sing some hymns & tell the tale of faithful saints who ventured to the New World in order to worship God according to Scripture), and then, most importantly…trust the Risen Christ.
Worship with the saints, in person, each Lord’s Day. Read & Study the Word, and then put it into practice. If you are in a Blue State, consider your options (fight or flee, both are lawful). If you are in a Red State, don’t rest on your laurels. Complacency is what got our nation to this point. All this to say, go to a church where you’ll hear a hot Gospel, and then live like Jesus is King of all the Nations…the USA included.