The President made this claim in his State of the Union address: “no challenge poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change.†This is, perhaps, the President’s most irresponsible and alarmist statement of the speech. The claim of man-made global climate change is founded on models that have been shown to be rigged to produce an outcome in support of the environmentalist agenda. So called “climate change†is not the greatest threat to future generations; the wholesale murder of them through abortion is a threat to future generations, our $18 trillion deficit is a threat, our abandonment ofBiblical Christianity and the morals contained therein is a threat…climate change (while climates and their changes certainly can produce dangerous weather) is not our greatest threat.
First off, the notion of global climate change assumes that we humans know what the “normal climate†is for our planet. The global thermostat is being fiddled with, by we carbon belching humans and if we ain’t careful we’re gonna roast! But the evidence points to the fact that a warmer climate is better for us as humans and that we are actually heading into a warmer eon from a period of relative coolness (in which the life-expectancy was rather shorter). Longer life span also means more humans living long, more able to innovate new ways of feeding more people and helping to take care of this home God has given us! We must not assume that we know what is the precise ideal climate for earth. [Read more…] about The Real State of the Union (Part Fifth)
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The Real State of the Union (Part Fourth)
Here is the fourth entry in my series addressing the big issues raised by President Obama in the recent State of the Union Address.
We must affirm the fact that all men are created equal and God has endowed them with certain inalienable rights. However, not all ideas are created equal. Thus, we must be wary of jumping on the bandwagon of the tolerance crowd which insists that we refuse to hurt anyone’s feelings by critically evaluating their worldview and what informs it. In the case of the President’s view of the Islamic religion we see a woefully inadequate assessment of the Islamic worldview.
It is oft repeated that the terrorists and radicals ought not to taint our view of the religion as a whole, and that is indeed a healthy and judicious reaction. If 1% of a certain ethnic group was known for radical and violent behavior to defend their beliefs, we wouldn’t consider it an attribute of the whole. We should examine why that 1% acts as it does and seek to both sway them from their violent ways and yet to defend the rest of us from them! [Read more…] about The Real State of the Union (Part Fourth)
The Real State of the Union (Part Third)
This is the third part in my series addressing several of the issues raised by President Obama in his recent State of the Union Address.
There was some buzz about the fact that this State of the Union address was the first to include the word “transgenderâ€. A word on this issue. Homosexuality is a sin, not a crime. As such, it needs to be treated that way; as a Christian, I do not propose the criminalization of homosexuality. However, it must be understood by our magistrates that though they ought not to criminalize these aberrant forms of sexuality, neither should they sanction and bless them.
The Real State of the Union (Part Second)
This is the second part in my series addressing several of the issues raised by President Obama in his recent State of the Union Address. Part One can be found here.
The President proposed offering free Community College, and though education is a vital and important aspect of any nation’s future, we would be fools for handing over another sector of our education system over to a government that has been an abysmal failure when it comes to education. According to some accounts, the USA is fifth in the world for how much we spend per student, and yet we are 17th overall in mathematics & reading, and 21st in science! To illustrate this, if an NFL team had the 5th highest paid roster, yet failed to make the playoffs year after year, heads would roll, coaches would be fired, and the fans would be deeply frustrated.  [Read more…] about The Real State of the Union (Part Second)
The Real State of the Union (Part First)
I’ll be writing a post everyday for the next week or so, responding to specific issues which were either directly or indirectly raised by President Obama in his recent State of the Union address. As Christians we are to understand that the Gospel has bearing in every arena, and that includes the political, governmental aspects of our culture. I write this as an appeal to all the branches of the governing bodies of these United States of America. I’ll be covering successively the issues of life (and when it begins and therefore deserves protection), Obama’s educational proposals, Homosexual mirage and the fact that Obama was the first president to use the word transgender in a State of the Union Address, how we ought to view and deal with Islamic militants, climate change, and our bulging deficit and rising debt. So, let us begin shall we?Â
This Union of Free States is built upon the principle of defending life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This is any government’s primary and God-given responsibility. First and foremost we must understand that for a government to function well, it must understand where authority comes from, and especially that government is not the ultimate authority. We Westerners must further understand that neither is the populace the ultimate authority. We are under God, and must acknowledge Him if we are to prosper and thrive as a nation. [Read more…] about The Real State of the Union (Part First)
I Bet You Won’t Be Able to Resist the Urge to Click This
We are suckers for click-bait. We can’t resist the not so cleverly worded headlines in our newsfeed that lures us in to an article, video or picture about some Asian kid’s weird body trick, some celebrity’s wardrobe malfunction, some politician’s steamy tryst, some athlete’s incredible catch. It is painfully obvious what these websites are aiming for: traffic. The more clicks they get on a certain article, the more they can make from advertisers.
Those of us who spend any amount of time on social media are now well-acquainted with the baiting techniques of these articles. Here are some examples for those who are not familiar with what I’m talking about:
“They laughed when she walked on stage, but soon their jaws were on the floorâ€
“This man looks like a homeless man, but no one expected him to do this†[Read more…] about I Bet You Won’t Be Able to Resist the Urge to Click This
And We’re Accused of Subjugating Women?
Leonardo DiCaprio recently made headlines that churned my stomach as I read them: “Leonardo DiCaprio leaves Miami nightclub with 20 models†and “Leonardo DiCaprio Breaks Up With Girlfriend, Leaves Club With 20 Modelsâ€. The media was deeply impressed, and showed their adoration of a man who could dump a lovely young woman (half his age) and then go to a club and show that he’s such a chick-magnet, such a stud, that he’ll take twenty babes, thank you very much.
And yet we (and by “we” I mean conservative, evangelical Christians) are accused of subjugating women, mistreating them, and keeping them down all because we fight hammer and tongs against the murder of innocent unborn women. This is a great violation of the script. If you want to play with the cool kids you’ve gotta follow their rules. It is fine to be for women’s rights, equality, and such things, but this only applies to human women, not those fetal women that aren’t quite yet fully human (despite having all the DNA and genetic material of a human). [Read more…] about And We’re Accused of Subjugating Women?
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