How many temptations await you later today, this week, this year? How many duties do you have to perform: loving your spouse selflessly, parenting your kids patiently, caring for your aging parents faithfully, working your job honestly, and so on? How many adversaries do you have to face?
How do you plan to resist sin and maintain righteousness in all your dealings? When you look at the mountain of challenges you face, where do you turn for sustenance? What do you crave? Do you have an appetite for this meal? Or do you have a hankering for other meals?
The answer to all those questions is that you need the grace which this meal holds forth. You will not be sustained by the stale crumbs of worldly power and prestige. You will not get far perusing your own pockets for the moldy crusts of self-determination.
Your Lord has promised to sustain you and dwell with you. Here in this meal we partake of a visible word of assurance that He dwells in and with you. His Spirit has been poured out upon you. The Father gladly welcomes you here. So what does your appetite say about you? Do you crave this meal, hungering and thirsting for the assurance which God promises in it?
Every other table can only offer fare that will leave you hungering still. Here is true bread. Here is true wine. Here is true sustenance. Here is grace upon grace for all your trials, for all your duties, for all your battles. Here is Christ crucified, risen, ascended. Here is His body broken for you, His blood spilled for you.
So come in faith and welcome to Jesus…