As the saying goes, “What’s the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth? About 6 months.” Truth is hard to come by these days. As Abraham Lincoln once advised, “Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.” While the mainstream media portrays gullibility to conspiracy theories as a problem only amongst far-right whackadoodles, we should be balanced; left-wing academics, after all, believe that we’re descendants of a lightning strike & pond scum. So there’s that.
But Christians must walk in the truth. We mustn’t be gullible, nor should we be fearful. We don’t let our imaginations run wild, nor do we cower before power-hungry globalists. We’re not lured by lies, or badgered by bullies.
All the rumored vile schemings could very well be true. But what is that to you? You serve God Most High. You serve the God who brings to naught all the conspiracies of wicked men. They dig pits, only to fall into them (Pro. 26:27).
This doesn’t mean we should be apathetic about the snares that wicked men are laying. Rather, it should spur us to remain resolute. We must learn to not flinch. When a conspiracy faced Nehemiah, he simply responded “Should such a man as I flee?” David scoffs at the idea of running away from the schemes against him (Ps. 11:1), “How say ye to my soul, Flee as a bird to your mountain?”
The vain imaginings of simpletons, nor the wicked laws of scheming tyrants have never yet stopped the advance of the Gospel. That Gospel tide, which will soon cover the whole earth, is only now beginning to come in. We must not give ear to the vain imaginations of fanciful conspiracy theorists, nor should we have any heartburn when any of those far-fetched conspiracies prove true. Man your post. Worship Christ. Serve God. Fear not the face of any man.
Our culture has bought the lie that we can live under God’s blessing without first blessing Him. We’ve imagined we can build this house from the roof down, and worry about the foundation later. We’ve told ourselves lies, and now we’re caught in a web of lies. Christians must turn from both believing fearful men and the tall tales they spin, as well as going along with wicked conspiracies of the powerful tyrants who would run the world according to their godless schemes. If we seek His face, He has promised to grant to His people the grace to be found steadfast in His Word, and so not be led away by silly imaginings or by wicked schemings. Rather, we will be resolute to resist them all in Christ’s name, and by the power of His Spirit which dwells within us.
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