We live in a time when the words of men are cheap. Our politicians say one thing, while we can all tell they mean another. The News Media carry water for the secularist agenda. We’re told lie after lie, and the Babylon Bee ends up being closer to the truth than the NY Times.
The words of men are full of deceit and nuance. Man’s word is easily broken. We are swift to equivocate, explain away, redefine, and twist words. The promises of men are feeble. There is no final assurance in the words spoken by men.
But this Word, this word in the sign of bread & wine, is a certain word. God doesn’t stutter here. There is no wordplay here. Here is blunt truth. Here is divine frankness. The sure word which is spoken to us here is the eternal Word. In the midst of all the lies we tell and hear daily, this Word stuns us with its holy directness.
This Word is the Living Word which begets new life. This Word is the Gospel Word, it says, “You’re a great sinner, but He is such a Savior. You have an eternal debt incurring the blazing heat of God’s just wrath, but all that wrath has been satiated in the death of the Son of God. You are free. You are forgiven. You are righteous. Not because of your doing, but by His.”
In the reverberations of this Word, you need not linger on the fringes, because this Word invites you to the table. You need not be a wallflower at this banquet. Those who have trusted in Christ alone, as He is offered in the Gospel, are not unwelcome guests at this table. This Word is not shifty, sarcastic, satirical, or carrying secret message. This Word declares God’s love to you, and He means it.
So come in faith and welcome to Jesus Christ…