There’s a draconian lie that repeatedly rears its head. It lures us with the false idea that somehow God is obligated to operate according to our rules for Him. Man wants a god he can micro-manage in a direction which satisfies man’s own vanity project. A god he can maneuver. A deity who answers to him. Man wants to whistle up his godling in times of trouble, and then tell it to get lost when he wants to indulge his debauched desires.
But this covenant meal severs the head of that lie. Here is God’s unfiltered, full-potency freedom. This sign demonstrates the sovereign freeness of God. No one bound Him to bring about our redemption. No one manipulated the Almighty to agree to our deliverance. No one made puppy-dog eyes at the good Lord so as to bend His heart towards taking pity on sinful man.
Rather, this meal is God’s sign that our salvation––from front to back, side to side, end to end––is all His doing. He took our cause in hand, and brought about our deliverance. All of this according to the mysteries of the purpose of His grace.
We operate in a world of blackmail, manipulation, backroom deals, mutual backscratching. Not so with God. There was nothing you could bring that would compel God to act on your behalf; no dark secret which could manipulate the Lord into saving you. Rather, from the boundless storehouse of His grace, He freely chose to redeem you by the blood of His Son.
God is free. And in this freedom, He determined to bind Himself unto His saints in a covenant of free grace. He bestows upon you all His grace, and delivers you from all your sin. He freely came to you, that you might freely come to Him.
So come in faith and welcome to Jesus Christ…