In the conquerors hymn of Psalm 21, David describes the glory which the Lord had given to him in his various victories. But these descriptions find their fullest meaning when applied to David’s Son, our Lord Jesus, for David says: “Thou hast made him most blessed for ever: thou hast made him exceeding glad with thy countenance (Psa 21:6).”
God sets glory upon glory upon His Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ. The Father’s countenance beams upon His Son, and in this text we see that this is reciprocated by the Son with exceeding gladness. The Father beams upon His Son, the Son basks with joy in His Father’s delight.
This superlative description is, if anything, understated. Jesus is most blessed forever. And He is not a miser. He does not hoard this blessing for Himself. He is to be praised for from Him all blessings flow. He is the sun which fills the world with light. He is like the air in the atmosphere, like the water in the oceans. Wherever He goes, He leaves a wake of blessings without bounds.
This should come home with sweet potency to each one of us. The One who God ordained to be most blessed forever, is the One placed before you now in these signs of bread & wine. You partake of Christ, the Father’s joy & anointed. You partake of Christ who receives the Father’s love with exceeding gladness. You partake of Christ, who was once humbled unto death, but is now raised to rule & reign as the conqueror of heaven & earth, resplendent with endless joy, crowned with a crown of pure gold, full of the Father’s pleasure.
You do not feed upon leftover crumbs. You feast here upon the divine & triune joy which flows back and forth from Father, Son, & Spirit.
So come in faith and welcome to Jesus Christ…
The Gospel of the Psalms