The Good News on this table, the Gospel which we will now eat, the Glad Tidings which are declared by this bread and wine is that your sin, all of it, every last black ounce of it, was burned up by God’s wrath being poured out on another: His beloved Son. Not only that but He buried it in the ground, never to accuse your conscience again. And the rolling thunder of joyous news crescendoes louder by proclaiming that your Lord and Savior rose from the dead, and gives you eternal life, so that even death need no longer be feared as a fiend, but welcomed as a final passageway from earth’s shadows to heaven’s glory.
While you remain here on earth, you are seated with the Messiah in heavenly places. He rules the nations, and you reign with Him. So all your enemies of lust, fear, failure, sin, and temptation have the boot of Christ’s power on their neck.
As you eat this meal in faith, you declare that your sin is forgiven and conquered because Christ suffered in your place. You declare that you fear and reverence God alone. You declare that you are His, and He is yours. All of this rests on the firm foundation of God’s oath. God has sworn, and He will not break His Word. You come to Him by faith, and He receives you, forgives you, feeds you, and gives you His very life.
This remains true regardless of what Google’s algorithms put at the top of your newsfeed, news reports on the latest studies, public opinion polls, natural disasters, the Dow Jones industrial average, or which party is in office. The Good News on this table is your hope, regardless of how tightly the politicians are clutching their pearls. Your God reigns, and you reign in Him.
So come in faith and welcome to Jesus…