Protestant Biblical Interpretation: A Textbook of Hermeneutics by Bernard Ramm
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Ramm presents here a masterful work outlining how the Protestant tradition of hermeneutics is the most biblically faithful method. More importantly, he details what that means. Namely, taking the text literally in the context of its history and grammar.
Ramm exercises great care in outlining many of the traditions of biblical interpretation throughout Christian history. He does this without disparaging other views, but also exposing their flaws and discord with how we see Scripture being used and interpreted in Scripture. This is a vital topic of concern in an age where the correct handling of Scripture is quite rare and a neglected craft. He shows that the Protestant hermeneutic is drawn from the example of the prophets, apostles, and Christ Himself. Just a wonderful book!
Here is a handful of helpful quotes to entice you to read the whole book.
Christ is the central point of history. God is the active agent; Christ, the focal point. (Pg. 80)
Where Scripture has not spoken, we are wisest to be silent. (pg. 171)
The pursuit of a blessing [in preaching] should never be at the expense of truth. (pg. 172)
As long as there is a specific code to obey, man can conform without change of heart. Obedience to a moral code with no change of heart may result in the disparity between inner life and outward conduct which is one of the characteristics of hypocrisy. (pg 187)
If a man is born a legalist in soteriology, he is born asceticist in sanctification. (pg. 188)
Whenever we force the Bible to say something on specific items of our life, we are in danger of divination. (pg. 194)
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