First, lemme drop this here, or if you’d rather read it click here.
Human Sacrifice
What used to be the Green movement’s nasty little secret, is now being paraded proudly. The reality is Environmentalism is simply another wing of the vast religion of Humanism. Their sacrament is to march along in a solemn procession to the altar of “MAN”, and offer their sacrifices. Although they worship mankind, this god demands the most grotesque of sacrifices, and is insatiable in his bloodlust for it. This god of man demands fellow humans as the only appeasing offering.
This is why abortion is protected at all costs by the Humanists. But the philosopher in this NPR interview is bringing out into the open what we’ve suspected all along about the Green movement, their real goal is to simply population control. They don’t care about the planet as an end, they care about power in the end; make no mistake about it.
The Crown of Creation
If they were concerned for this (as Lewis called it) silent planet, they would recognize that the most abundant resource we have been given on this planet is the creature made in the very image of God. Yes forests, fields, grasslands, White Rhinos, Wooly Mammoths, and oceans are all wonderful, but they are not the crowning gem of creation. The reason they refuse to recognize this is because they are worshipping a god who is in rebellion to God Almighty, and therefore this world fights against him.
God has gave to man the call to subdue and take dominion over the earth; now in Christ, the Gospel’s redemptive purpose is right at the center of this very same task. Because the humanists have a false view of God, they will also have a false view of man. Rather than seeing mankind as the glory of God’s creation, they see him as merely a selfish primate bent on surviving…this means that survival and not dominion is the grid through which they reason.
The goal isn’t to save the planet, it is to save their own skin, by ending up on top. Power and control is the ultimate aim. The philosopher proposes that “we” (meaning Government) regulate how many children people can have. So as not to be unfair to the poor (who generally have a higher birth rate), he proposes taxing rich families for every child they have, and then fund birth control (i.e. abortifacients & abortions) for the poor. In essence, he is calling for crippling the production of earth’s most valuable resource: mankind. He proposes that we do this by slaughtering the poorest and smallest, and/or penalizing parenthood.
Not just another mouth…
Remember, when (maybe if) a child is born Secular Humanism wants us to view him as just another mouth to fill. Christians views him as an eternal soul with a purpose of glorifying God, and that he isn’t just another mouth but he is another set of hands and another mind, made in the image of God, to fulfill the purpose of God for this earth. Why do we think population must be controlled; and why should we trust those involved in human sacrifice with the right to control the population?
What if the population doubled? Do you realize that the likelihood also doubles (I ain’t no math major remember) that many of those minds will find ways to increase the crop production, create an artificial atmospheres for the moon & Mars making them habitable, invent a way to harness the power of the oceans’ current to provide energy for our cities, and find a cure for the worst diseases that ail Adam’s race?