We must get it into our minds that this table is a royal banquet. You do not arrive at this table as paupers or beggars. This table is as long and high and wide and deep as the love of God which He has shown to us through Jesus Christ our Lord. There’s room for each saint to pull up a chair. We sit on the shadowlands side, while those who’ve gone before feast on the other side of the table. But we all partake of one holy food.
And though the sign itself and this table itself are small things, what they represent to us is the boundless storehouse of God’s kindness to the sons of men. You are forgiven. You are welcome through Jesus. As the prophet Hosea promised, you are no longer called “not my people,” but rather God through Christ calls you, “my people.”
All of this is gloriously true because Christ ascended on high. His ascent is yours, as much as His death and resurrection are. Our weekly feast together here is a commemoration of that fact. So, by faith, see this table in the midst of Heaven’s banqueting hall. The Spirit raises us up into that hall and we’re regaled with the wonderful story of Christ’s conquest as found in Scripture. Our songs, in a manner of speaking, are joyful toasts unto the heroic acts of Jesus. And around this table we are brought in on the joke that is His overthrow of evil.
I mean, what’s more ridiculous than evil seeking to kill God? Or that we who were once sinners are now holy ones through Christ. So rejoice. For the Christ who died and rose again, is now the Lord of heaven and earth, and this is His feasting hall, and this is His feast.
So come in faith and welcome to Jesus Christ…