When I was scrolling through my newsfeed the other day, I ran across this picture of the Ark exhibit that Answers in Genesis built. For a second, I was going to roll my eyes, thinking, “Oh great, AIG is going along with the whole GQBLT non-sense.” Forgive me, I am sometimes slow on the uptake, and when it dawned upon me what AIG was doing; the rainbow was a covenant sign to Noah of course, so how fitting to light it up the Ark with a rainbow.
It is amazing, though, how the GQBLT movement has quite successfully linked their cause with the rainbow, to the point where folks like me have to do a mental “double-take”. One of the cardinal sins for the tolerance-movement is cultural appropriation. It is why they don’t want you to dress up like an Indian for Halloween. Or why two white women can’t run a taco truck, because: cultural appropriation.
So, the Ark Encounter exhibit has marvelously trolled this deep conviction of the GQBLT tolerance crowd. Do they really have respect for all cultures, including Christian culture? If so, why have they appropriated Christian culture and used it contrary to our “deeply held beliefs”? If dressing up in a hijab, or blackface, or warbonnets, or gangster garb is so offensive, shouldn’t they show more respect to such a sacred component of Christian culture, doctrine, and symbolism?
The answer, of course, is obvious. They’ve wrapped themselves in the sign of God’s judgment upon sin and promise of grace. By invoking it they display the irony that their fight for normalizing their sinful lifestyle and rebellion against God’s Word will inevitably end in either God’s wrath upon their sin, or God’s grace in granting them repentance from their sins. They’ve chosen their flag wisely. God will judge their sin either in the fire of hell, or in the fire of His wrath outpoured in Christ. They’ve embraced the sign of judgment and promise…their repentance shall determine which they receive.