Christ’s fulfillment of the OT Law isn’t the watering down of the Law. Christ fulfilling the Law isn’t the same thing as the Law petering out. But, the propaganda makes it out that Christ’s coming ushered in a system in which God yawns at sin, pats us on the head saying, “It’s all right, you did your best.”
But this isn’t how Scripture would have us understand the fulfillment of the law in Christ. His fulfilling the righteous requirements of the Law, wasn’t the doing away of the Law. Rather, His coming was the deepening and broadening of the Law by revealing the Grace that had been present in the Law all along. Israel couldn’t keep the holy Law, but the God of Israel could & graciously did so by sending His Son, in flesh to redeem those under the Law. Christ’s fulfillment of the Law was like bringing a diamond out into full sunlight.
We partake of this broadening of the Mosaic Law here at the Christ’s table. Gentiles were prohibited from partaking of the Passover without first becoming Jews (Ex. 12:48). Christ didn’t scrap the Passover, He made it so that all nations might partake of the delivering grace held forth in the Passover. God’s wrath fell on Egypt, but passed over the Hebrews. In Christ, God’s wrath still falls, but it passes over all who have been marked out as Christ’s. Both to Jew and Gentile, what the Law foreshadowed, Grace now gives.
You cannot earn God’s favor by Law-keeping. But because you’re robed in Christ’s righteousness, God reckons you as righteous before His Law. Moreover, the Spirit of Righteousness has been sent to dwell within you, that you might desire to keep the Law by faith in Christ, and receive His regenerating power to do so, to the glory of God our Father.
So come in faith and welcome to Jesus Christ…