You live in an age of unprecedented wealth. Very few Americans have ever had to worry about where their next meal is going to come from. Now, even if you have faced severe financial strain, to the point of living for an extended period on beans & rice, it is also likely that due to the abundance around you and through the generosity of others, you were able to avoid prolonged famine.
You ought to realize that this arrangement is an overwhelming exception in history. You can get ripe strawberries in February. Whereas, many of your ancestors probably never ate a strawberry, maybe never even heard of them.
I bring this up to stir up the gratitude which should be one of the primary attributes which mark us as we feast at the Lord’s Table. Not only has God been profoundly kind to you in your circumstances by placing you in a period of history marked by unmerited abundance, but He has poured out upon you the surpassing blessing of welcoming you into all the manifold blessings of His triune life.
The nourishment which God your Father provides for you is not a hand to mouth subsistence. He doesn’t dole out His grace in rations sliced paper thin. His love towards us is great. Everything necessary for life & godliness is provided for you by His loving hand. You may be weak, but He is strong. You may be weary, but He is your Rest. You may be discouraged, beaten up, and surrounded on every side; but He is to you a Rock, a high tower, and a mighty deliverer. Upon this table is a memorial meal which assures you that, as the Apostle Paul put it, “All things are yours.” And the glory of all these glories is that all this is given to you through only one means: the broken body and shed blood of Jesus Christ.
So come in faith and welcome to Jesus Christ…