Heresies by Harold O.J. Brown
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Simply put, this book was stupendous. This is the sort of book that makes me grateful that God gives the church men who are gifted to write such books. This is a book for those interested at a historical overview of how the Church has dealt with heresies throughout history. We 21st century Christians must be willing to look at the errors of doctrine in history and be willing to do the theological spade work to clarify orthodox doctrine today. Brown has numerous insights, is incredibly helpful in guiding the reader through the centuries of Church history and the various errors of the different generations. At times he is too pessimistic. Regardless, he shows how the truth of God’s Word (orthodoxy) has triumphed in the face of error (heresy) every time. This holds great comfort and hope for those of us contending for the faith in our modern generation. Well worth the time…