Planet Narnia: A Book Review
Learning to Hear the Music of the Spheres
Planet Narnia: The Seven Heavens in the Imagination of C.S. Lewis by Michael Ward
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I heard about Michael Ward’s seminal work, “Planet Narnia†a few years back, but only recently got around to reading it. In reviewing it, I want to take it from a few different angles: Lewis’ secret aim in writing the Chronicles and my personal delight in Ward’s discovery, the book itself, and the benefits and danger points of this volume.
First, I’ve always noticed that each book in the Narniad seems to have a different quality or flavor; I could never put my finger on it, but there always seemed to be something underlying each story. Many others throughout the years since the Narnia books were published have felt the same, and many have taken guesses as to what was underpinning the stories. Ward makes the case for the fact that C.S. Lewis, as a true medieval man, loved the ancient view of the cosmos, and so he built each Narnia book upon the qualities and imagery associated with the seven different planets of the seven heavens of ancient astronomical understanding. I would have to say, after reading this book that I think his “discovery†is spot on! [Read more…] about Planet Narnia: A Book Review
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