Go to the seashore. Pick up a fistful of sand. Start counting out the grains.
Go outside tonight. Lift up your eyes. Start counting those sparkling dots of light.
This is what God once told a man without a child to do, and God promised him that one day he’d have as many children as the sand on the shore or the stars in the sky. Abraham believed God’s promise, and God counted him as righteous.
Abraham heard and believed God’s promise to bless the world through His Seed. All of Abraham’s faithful children clung to this promise as well. In the fullness of time, Christ proved Himself to be that promised Seed. Now, people from every nation are welcomed into and counted as Abraham’s children, because we too cling to Christ for ourselves and our children to a thousand generations of God’s lovingkindness.
When we baptize our children, we’re believing God’s promise to Abraham. That is to say, when we baptize our infants in faith, we’re seeing what Abraham saw, and believing what Abraham believed: that God was saving an innumerable host by His sheer grace. So, here is one more grain of sand on the shore of faith in God’s promise. One more star in the constellation of God’s electing grace.
So welcome, covenant child, to Jesus Christ.
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