Yesterday at Ellerslie, I sat at a lunch table with some of the students and they had just watched the documentary “Blood Money,†which exposes the financial greed at the back of the whole abortion mill. One of the students asked, “So what do we do practically, so that it isn’t just a rush of emotion, but that we actually see a change on this issue?†I thought it was a great question and, as I’ve thought a bit more about it, here’s my expanded answer.
The “pro-life†tent is a big tent, with many different faiths and creeds underneath it. I have no issue linking arms with like-minded conservatives who desire to see this atrocity abolished; however, for the Christian, this issue is more than just a political issue. This is an idolatry issue, at its heart. Molech has become the god of our nation, and those who are faithful to Jesus Christ, must recognize the apostasy at the root of the abortion discussion. So, here are a few things I think we need to do and remember.
First, we need to adopt the attitude which William Wilberforce had towards the abolition of the slave trade and apply it to abortion. In short, without fail he brought a bill before Parliament year in and year out until he succeeded in overthrowing the British slave trade. In essence, we need to say, “We are not going away on this issue.â€
Now, I’d like to address different groups and what they ought to be doing.
Pro-Lifers in General
We must be persistent and unrelenting in fighting the tide of societal acceptance of infanticide. This can be done at numerous levels, and ought to be done civilly, honorably, and with a good dollop of courage. Screaming cliché’s is not the solution; healthy, common sense dialogue at the water cooler, at dinner parties, and at any other number of social gatherings, is what is needed. We must resolve that we are not going away on this issue. Further, we must remain vocal at the political level (i.e. write a letter to those who claim to represent you).
Christian Pro-Lifers Specifically
As Christians, we are to be known by our love. Thus, in our love for the unborn we must not compromise our love for the mothers, the fathers, the doctors, the politicians and abortion providers. Our agenda must be to see the Gospel brought to bear upon each demographic involved in this industry. Further, we must be prepared to offer our homes, money, and time to help vulnerable mothers, adopt unwanted children, counsel young couples facing an unexpected pregnancy, and the list could go on.
African Americans
You are being sold a phony bill of goods. The liberal movement has created a welfare dependency amongst many (obviously, not all) African American communities. However, this is failing to produce stable family situations, and furthermore, your children are  the ones that are being murdered at an insanely disproportionate rate of 1800 a day in the US. Your wives and daughters are 5 times more likely to get an abortion than white women. Yet, the same liberal politicians who are promising all sorts of government assistance programs to your community, are the same ones who are advocating, advancing, and encouraging the genocide of your children.
Fiscal Conservatives
It may be deemed politically incorrect to stand boldly on this issue, however, this is not an issue to be “decided by the states.†This is not an issue of individual liberty and so therefore the federal government should not intrude into the private issues of individual Americans. I’m one of the staunchest supporters of a limited and smallish government! However, We are dealing with wholesale murder being sanctioned and supported by our representatives in every branch and every level of our government. They represent us, therefore, their sin is our sin, their failure to do anything is our failure to do anything, their $17,000,000,000,000 debt is our $17,000,000,000,000, their “God bless Planned Parenthood†is our “God bless Planned Parenthood,†their negligence while 56 million American babies have been murdered is our negligence! I am not interested in more government regulations, but I appeal to Fiscal conservatives to remember that economic stability can only be achieved by moral stability. So long as we tolerate a government that pays for millions of murders every year, we should not expect our economy to stabilize. Why? Because greed is at the heart of both issues; the greed that has led us into such a financially precarious position, is the same greed that refuses to take responsibility for our sexuality.
May I appeal to you to consider why you feel so strongly that abortions should be safe, legal, and any woman should have access to them? Men, why do you want abortions legal? Is it so that you can hook-up without responsibility? You see, your anatomy bears with it a weight of responsibility. Most boys never grow up to be men. If you get a girl pregnant, that is your seed, you are responsible, and you need to face the consequences of your actions. Further, a child should not be punished for the actions of the father.
Women, it is not in your power to “create life.†That life is God’s doing, not yours, though you are certainly a crucial part of it. We need not go over the scientific arguments. When fertilization happens, there is a child in your body. Yes, you are free to do whatever you want with your body; but you are not free to do whatever you want with your child’s body. even if it is microscopic.
Across the board as a culture, we have been deceived as to what the proper use of our sex organs are for. These parts of our anatomy are loaded with responsibility, and we must recognize that our actions (sexual ones included) have consequences. We must once more take responsibility for our actions.
This is a brief set of appeals, and while I know that this issue usually ends up embroiling us in a series of predictable arguments from each side, I still beg consideration from each group mentioned. This is not meant to be an exhaustive list of action plans. It is my little attempt to once more make it clear that I and my family are not going away on this issue. No matter how unpopular my stance may be, I will continue to stand for those whose voices have never been heard because our society has turned a deaf ear to the screams of the unborn. Finally, let us just remember that we are now finding out that in some places our children are also being used to power our lightbulbs, dishwashers, hairdryers and computers. There’s a word for that: barbaric. This is only a symptom of our much deeper disease. It is a disease known as selfishness, and until that is rooted out by the power of the Gospel, we ought not be surprised that a culture can kill its own children and then use them as fuel to cook dinner.
Note: “Justice for All†is a great organization that I’ve done some work with in the past. I’d highly recommend perusing their website.
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