God made gracious provision for the poor in ancient Israel. The practice of not harvesting the corners of their fields ensured that at harvest time, no one needed to go hungry. Those who were in need, or were sojourning through, would have access to a means of obtaining their daily bread. This practice gave the dignity of work to the poor, as they’d be responsible to come and glean that which the harvesters had left. It also allowed land-owners to spot potential talent for future harvests, and thus a way out of poverty.
While that arrangement is evidence of God’s kindness to all His people, regardless of their various circumstances, it is not how we should view the harvest which is laid upon this table. Some might think that they should be categorized as a sort of second-class citizen of heaven, left to pick up the crumbs of really holy people. You know the ones who pray for 10 hours a day, read the Bible for another 10 hours, and evangelize for 3 hours, before sleeping for one hour…then doing it all over again tomorrow. We might even have a suspicion that others are getting more out of this than we are, that God is somehow playing favorites.
Let me assure you, there are no gleaners at this table. The full harvest is here. It is extended to you, not by your deserving, or by your income bracket, or by your last name, or by your GPA, or by the size of your tithe check. All of Christ is given to you here. From the wisest to the simplest saint, from the eldest to the youngest, we share the full inheritance which God assures to those who look away from their works of righteousness, and turn to Him alone.
So come in faith and welcome to Jesus…
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