So, IÂ hope to take some of the fruit of my seminarian labors, and convert them into resources for folks. This latest eBook is the result of a course I recently took, wherein we looked at how the Apostles & New Testament writers utilized the Psalms to prove that Jesus was the Christ of God.

There are a few download options, for those of you who need device diversity!
The Gospel of the Psalms: ePUB
The Gospel of the Psalms: Kindle/MOBI
From the back cover:
The Apostles quote the Psalms profusely throughout the New Testament. They were persuaded that the Psalter proved that Jesus was the Christ, the Messiah the Jews had long waited for. Their use of the Psalms are profoundly useful for us, as we study & interpret the Scriptures. The Psalms are full of glorious strains of expectant worship, as the Israelites waited for the promised Messiah. The Apostles saw in Christ the fulfillment & establishment of the reign of the Anointed King & His Kingdom. Their example teaches us how to see the Gospel of Christ, as it is proclaimed & revealed in the Psalms.
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