Heartening News
Some heartening news out of that state that has a lone star on its flag, Texas.
These towns have voted to outlaw abortion in their town. In other words, Planned Parenthood, or other murder mills, will not be allowed to operate in the city limits of these towns. This is a profoundly important, and courageous step which these small towns have taken. Of course liberals and pro-aborts will howl about how unconstitutional this is, and there will certainly be legal wrangles to be had. However, this is precisely the sort of thing which Christians magistrates should be doing.
Falling Under Their Own Gravity
Liberal cities have, for decades, had city councils passing all sorts city regulations, which can be described with the french term le hogwash. Seattle hands out free hypodermic needles. San Francisco bans plastic straws. Fort Collins permits public toplessness for women. New York City put the kibosh on large soda cups. And the list could go on.
City magistrates are allowed to do such things. Now, the wisdom or folly of their decisions is often revealed downstream. Then it becomes someone else’s problem. But that is fortunate for politicians because if there is anything they love it is “problems”. It’s what keeps them in business, like cavities for dentists. So, if liberals are outraged by these Texas towns, they have every right not to live there, under such patriarchal oppression. If they choose rather to live in the utopia where plastic straws (that pariah of a functioning society) have been banished, go for it. “It’s a free country, man.”
Many twitterers (who think him/her/them/zir/xirselves quite witty) point out how these Texas city councils are a bunch of old, white men making decisions about women’s bodies, and how dare they. But, the same crowd is quiet when it comes to city councils who are not at all qualified to make environmental decisions about plastic use, soda consumption, or how sex works. Remember, these are the same people who can’t tell the difference between a boy and girl. These are the same people who raise the taxes higher and higher, yet can’t figure out why people are moving out of their cities and states. These are the same people who will soon realize that their slaughter of their offspring has affected the birth rate to a point of no return. Then their strawless, sodaless, citizenless, lawless utopia will be replaced by a civilization with much more restrictive laws than we puritanical Protestant ever dreamed up. Outlawing abortions will pale in comparison with being forced to wear burkas.
Bloodshed & Guilty Consciences
Now, this ties in with the protestant doctrine of the lesser magistrates. God has given the sword of justice into the hand of His deacon of justice (cf. Rom. 13). They are called to maintain piety, justice, and peace. A city council which refuses to maintain those will soon find themselves overrun by impiety, injustice, and unrest. These old, white Texas men, have taken a daring step to ensure that their towns have babies, so that those babies can grow up, get married, be productive, and take care of the aged. The hatred for offspring which the left displays when such news breaks is a tell, which even a beginning poker player could discern. These people don’t love their neighbor. These people don’t care for others. They are consumed with guilty consciences, and the only way for an unregenerate conscience to be assuaged is to see others die. Guilty consciences always lead to bloodshed.
However, the blood that they shed only adds a greater weight to their burden of guilt. That blood cannot take away their sin. That blood cannot offer them forgiveness. That blood testifies against them, accuses them, drips from their hands. Only the blood of Christ can assuage their guilt. Only the lamb of God can take away their sin. Only Jesus can assure them, “It is finished.”
So, what these small Texas towns have down should be an example to small towns across this nation. We do not have to go along with the blood-lust of godless men. We must not. It is well within their rights for godly civil servants to outlaw murder. Further, not only should we outlaw abortion in our cities and states, but we should call the liberals bluff. They scoff on twitter and say, “Oh, so you won’t mind if we send all the fetuses to you?” To which the answer should be a rigorous adoption system (with good vetting so children don’t end up in abusive homes). If they don’t want the blessing of productive humans, we’ll take them. Which means the churches need to have a flush adoption fund.
Adoption is, after all, God’s idea (Gal. 4:5).
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