There are two ways to look at this meal. You can either see this meal as a tapestry or you can look through it as a window. Some look upon this meal as simply a quaint tradition which provides solace and comfort to the emotional and psychological needs of those who take it. They merely see a tapestry of curious anthropology.
But when you look at this meal by faith, you not only look at the elements, but you look through the elements. You see bread and wine, but faith sees and understands that it is really Christ which is beheld.Â
But let me push this illustration to very corners. A window is useless if there are not beams of light gleaming through it to dance upon the pupil of an opened eye. A blind man, straining his eyes, during a midnight hurricane will never see through that window, no matter how hard he tries. No, the eyes must be opened. The light must beam through. So not only do we look through the window, but the only way we can even see out the window is because the light first blazed through to us.Â
We see Christ here in this meal, because Christ first shined into our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God. We see because He first showed. We behold because He first revealed. We delight in Him as our bridegroom because He first rejoiced over us as His precious bride. We are dead to sin, because He lived in righteousness. We are alive, because He died for us.
Those who merely look at this meal will never truly taste or see the glory of this meal. Only those who look through this window of bread and wine will taste Joy Himself, Life Himself, Glory Himself, Brilliant, Majestic, Boundless, Shoreless Love Himself.
So come in faith and welcome to Jesus…
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