My friend Toby Sumpter wrote a piece recently, outlining a very cogent argument for how individual States could quite practically abolish abortion overnight by doing to the abortion issue what Colorado and Washington did with the Marijuana issue. We need an all (peaceful) ideas on the table mentality when it comes to abortion, so here is something that I’ve been mulling over that I think is quite attainable within a decade or so, where we coordinated enough to do it. I’d also point you to as a great work in this fight. In light of the latest video exposing the butchery of Planned Parenthood, here is an idea.
Another Video Exposing Planned Parenthood’s Butcher of the Unborn Dropped Yesterday
.@PPact breaks fed. law so they can rip babies apart & sell their organs. Is there not a cause (1Sam. 17:29)?
— Ben Zornes (@benzornes) July 27, 2017
There are around 200,000-300,000 Protestant churches. Obviously not all of them are doctrinally sound, spiritual healthy, or interested in the abortion issue. So, take just half of those churches.
150,000 churches. 50 states. 3,144 counties.
That’s 3000 churches per state, and roughly 47 per county.
One of the most persuasive talking points that Planned Parenthood has in their arsenal is that they provide access to health care for women. Now, this has obviously been debunked numerous times, and of course their “health-care” involves slaughtering infants and selling their organs for profit.
However, what if we zeroed in on that claim and over a decade worked to open women’s health care clinics in every county in the US? What if the church subsidized many of the “crisis pregnancy centers” which have done so much good work over the last 40 years, and provided comprehensive health care for women. What if we offered a better product at a lower cost than Planned Parenthood?
Legislation is one front in this war. We do not fight merely to pull down, but to build something better in its place. I want to direct this especially at Christian high school and college students who are passionate about this fight: what if you aimed you life purpose to get a medical degree in order to run one of these clinics. It could only take 3,144 doctors.
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