I wrote recently on the lawlessness which has deeply infected our culture, demonstrated most clearly in the whole Hillary email shebang. To bring this home to roost, the outrage expressed by many conservatives over this apparent miscarriage of justice ought to drive conservatives to repentance. Conservatives’ sense of justice has long been divorced from the need for biblical repentance which only faith in Christ Jesus can produce. The frustration felt over the fact that a high-ranking politician can lie through her teeth, have her lies publicly exposed, and still get away with it, should rip open the inner parts of our individual consciences and the ugliness we see there should drive us to cling to the cross of Christ.
Make no mistake, Hillary Clinton will be held accountably for every action, word, and secret deal, and Scripture assures us that the Judge presiding over that case will not be blinded, bribed, or snookered. He will judge rightly (Gen. 18:25). But the warning for us all in this current event, is that there will not be a single soul whose secrets will not be exposed on that last and dreadful day of Judgement. For the Saint this is a great spur to holiness, and ought to be no cause of fear for Christ’s love drives out all fear (1 John 4:18). However, it does call for a proper sort of mature, spiritual self-evaluation which should lead to confessing our sins, forsaking them, and enjoying the grace given to fight and conquer inward corruption by the sanctifying power of the Spirit.
But for all those who merely “play at” Christianity, family morals, conservative values, and patriotic duty, but inwardly are haters of God, lovers of worldly pleasure, schemers, liars, and self-exalting connivers, when (as Johnny Cash put it) “the Man comes around” He will recompense every man according to His work. If it be faith in Christ, it will be saved; if it be faith in self, it will be damned.
I remember Leonard Ravenhill once said in a sermon, that at the Judgement seat of Christ the missing minutes from Nixon’s famous tapes would no longer be missing. Even if that is overstated, it makes the point: everything will be made right in the end. God will judge sin either in Christ substitutionary sufferings, or in Hell’s damnation. Let the saint find Christian rest in this gospel-truth, and let the sinner flee to Christ for atonement.
Clinton, Trump, the Extreme Court, the House & Senate, the TV execs, the law enforcement agencies, the soccer mom, the coal miner, the labor unions, the Tea-partiers, the community organizers, the evengellycals, the GQBLT community, the housewife, the breadwinner, the Planned Butcherhood folks, and all of us together need to hear this loud and clear, God searches all hearts (1 Chr. 28:9) and knows what passes in the inner recesses of man’s soul and in the hallways of the beltway. No one will get off scot free, except those saved by grace; and, ironically, they are those who confess and repent of their crimes (Ps. 103:12).
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