If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? Psalm 11:3
It is astounding that those who have insisted for years that truth is relative, are remarkably nimble in suddenly demanding that the truth matters. Fake news is now the buzzword in media and politics, and the debate is over who gets to decide what is true. For decades, the big media corporations have carefully presented “news” stories in such a way as to advance their–for the most part–liberal agenda. Trump has now arisen to challenge their narrative and it has both sides of the political aisle scrambling to figure out a way to find the solid ground of objective truth.
The Psalmist wisely asks in his song the rhetorical question what can righteous men do when the foundations of truth and justice are destroyed by wicked governments and societies. Likely he has in view the corruptions of Saul’s kingdom. In order for any family, city, or nation to thrive, truth must lie outside of our determination and must be something every individual can be held accountable to and can point to in times of injustice, wrongdoing, and wickedness.
The Gospel of our Lord Jesus stands forth in the midst of a subjective culture as good news in an age of fake news. It proclaims peace through the violence done to Christ. It proclaims justice through the innocent suffering of the Lord. [epq-quote align=”align-right”]It is only in the cross where we find the starting to point for making sense of all the mess.[/epq-quote]It proclaims freedom through His death. It proclaims the satiation of wrath through the substitution of His life for ours. In all this, we find that we need a central point of truth in order to sort through all the tangles of human wickedness. It is only in the cross where we find the starting to point for making sense of all the mess; for in Christ crucifixion we see God reconciling man with Himself and thereby giving us the only firm foundation upon which lives, families and cultures may be built successfully. There is forgiveness. There is reconciliation. There is truth. There is good news, with no fake news in sight.
Well done!