Mankind wants fellowship. But instead of receiving this it in this meal by faith and thus be knit together with Christ and His people, they opt for substitutes. Weak bonding agents of by-laws, contracts, or secret handshakes are selected. This is like trying to build a house using sand instead nails. As you all are smart people you’ve already concluded that this just won’t keep the 2x4s together.
We try to bind ourselves together with sports teams, clubs, Facebook groups about comic book characters, annual family reunions, political parties, and even put lines in the ground to say this is our state. But all of those tethers of loyalty are like webs.
The only thing strong enough to hold mankind together is the Father’s love for His Son which is revealed to us by the power of the Holy Ghost. You can’t hold your life together by putting yourself at the center of it. You can’t hold your family together by maintaining strict conservative values. You can’t hold a nation together by passing good moral laws. The only thing that can hold things together is the One who doesn’t need anything to be held together, nor does He even need to be held together.Â
Here, in this loaf and cup, we’re shown that God sent His Son to die for you, and the Spirit of God opens your eyes to see it and believe. As you eat it, you partake of God Himself. You partake of all His blessings, and you do so along with all the saints through all history past and all the saints yet unborn.
So taste here true union. Drink here true fellowship. By God’s great love which was shown to us by sending His Son into the world to save sinners, and revealed by the Spirit we are bound together in eternal cords of triune love.
So come in faith and welcome to Jesus…
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