You are feasting on eschatological glory. This is no empty tradition. This is majesty. This is triumph. This is our victory, even our faith. All this being the case, it would be utter folly to simply partake in ignorance or unbelief. This is why Paul attaches warnings to his instructions about partaking of this meal unworthily.
To feast here in unbelief is to transform this blessing into a grievous curse. As we eat this we collectively proclaim the glad tidings of Christ’s total and sovereign reign over all things. Cherishing beloved sins, hiding your unbelief, scorning the Word of conviction which preaching reveals, are all ways in which you can go through the motions of this feast & yet eat unworthily.
So we must lean hard against the tendency to coast. Yes, this Supper is a glorious duty, and a holy habit. But it’s only glorious & holy if we come to it with true faith.
Faith that the tide of the Gospel is coming in to fill the whole earth with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord. For whenever we, as the saints, partake of this Supper, we are proclaiming the Lord’s death until He comes. This means that our partaking is a bold and public declaration that the Christ has come. The Christ has lived among us. The Christ was crucified by Pontius Pilate and the Jews. The Christ was buried, but rose again by the power of God to the Father’s right hand.
Meaning, this simple meal of bread and wine which we eat and drink is a death knell to Death. It is a war trumpet declaring a decisive victory over Satan. It is a flag being raised to assert the dominion of King Jesus. He bled and died for this world & so it is His.
So come in faith and welcome to Jesus Christ…
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