“It All”
Sociologists, political scientists, epidemiologists, historians, and High School students will be studying the days we are living through for decades to come. If the rumors are true, the Galactic Federation has been watching it all in fascination, but were not able to be reached for comment at this time. If you are gloomy and morose because of it all––and by “it all” I hope you can catch my drift––buck up soldier. As Chesterton once said, the only way a soldier can avoid death is by constantly coming within an inch of it. In other words, we’ve got work to do, and we must joyfully undertake to sort through “it all.”
By “it all” I refer to the election, the controversies after the election, the virus, the governmental overreach in response to the virus, the anemic reaction from many church leaders to the government’s overreach, the reports of Chinese spies sleeping with US Representatives and other elected officials, the Global Reset with PM Trudeau hopes to usher in. Deep breaths toots, you’ll make it through.
Last I checked, the 1st amendment ensured the preservation of that right, despite recent attempts to redefine free speech as anything YouTube deems kosher. So, what I am about to do, follow me here, is exercise that right.
Did Trump Win?
On election night, it looked like Trump was going to mop the floor with Biden. And then the great, and unprecedented pause in counting. I stayed up later than I should (we had a newborn after all and sleep is precious in the Zornes’ home these days) expecting them to call at least one of the states that have now become the center of controversy. But the call never came.
Now, I am not one to ruin a perfect record, but if Biden indeed “won”, I have a perfect record of not voting for the winning candidate. My first presidential election I voted for McCain in ’08, Romney in ’12, then Castle in ’16, and yes I fiendishly voted for Trump this go round. I like to live dangerously.
I’ve followed politics closely from my early teens. No one was shocked when Obama blew the doors off voting records. Romney was too milque-toast to win, and Obama handily won again. Trump of course had the privilege of running against one of the most disliked candidates in American history.
But if I told you a year ago this time that Joe Biden, creepy Joe, sleepy Joe, sloppy Joe…would only improve on the number of counties which Hillary won by about a dozen, have his son’s shady business dealings hit the news cycle a few weeks before the election, have RBG die a month before the election, and still would shatter Obama’s voter turnout and vote total you would have referred me to the psychological studies department of the aforementioned Galactic Federation.
For four years of Trump’s presidency has been undermined at every turn by the media and the democrats. It’s now at the point that you cannot post a picture of your new puppy without the Tech Wizards over at FB and Twitter flagging your post with an oh-so-helpful notification that there was no voter fraud. In other words, we are being presented with suits and ties telling us, “Nothing to see here.” It’s like insisting that the guy with the creepy barn and blood-stained chainsaw isn’t a suspect in the string of recent disappearances.
Trust in our governmental institutions is rock bottom. This is thanks largely to their gross incompetence in locking us up for 2 months, telling us not to have Thanksgiving, mandating that we mask-up “or else”, then sending relief checks to death row inmates, and they want us to believe that massive number of mail-in ballots were processed correctly, not sent to the wrong addresses, confirmed with scrupulous attention to detail by people that are ashamed their school is named after Jefferson (all while their students’ grades plummet because they are terrified of the ‘rona). Was that last sentence a run-on sentence…oh dear, I fear it was.
So it is not conspiracy theory nut-jobbery to demand that every avenue be pursued for investigating whether our election was truly free and fair. This moment is the moment to demand that those avenues be pursued honestly, and without accusations of “not accepting the results of the election.” This would be akin to having Ted Bundy give you dating advice. We need to pursue all this now because what comes otherwise will ensure that representative government in America has had its identity stolen by a form of feudalistic socialism.
Emergency, Everybody to Get From Street
This isn’t a detour, but stay with me here. If you want a good family movie night, try The Russians are Coming! The Russians are Coming! Basically, it is about a USSR submarine that runs aground on a small US island off of Maine’s coast. The mayor panics. The Russians panic. In one scene, see below for your viewing pleasure, the Russians try to clear the streets by pretending there is an emergency.
This is precisely what our elected leaders have been saying, unconvincingly, for the last 10 months. “Emergency, everybody to get from streets.” Now…this leads in to my next observation.
I’m currently reading a book It’s Better Than It Looks, which I will review in an upcoming post. The author notes that every president since FDR (Eisenhower excepted, God bless him) has claimed new powers due to some “emergency”. Biden will take office in about a month, unless by some miracle the SCOTUS rules that the results in PA, GA, and MI were indeed fishier than Cape Cod in the morning.
Make no mistake, he’s already saying it openly, this pandemic is an incoming Big Governmentarian’s dream come true. An emergency that almost everyone has already bought into. Ready-made for the implementation of all sorts of policies which can be ushered in due to “emergency measures.” Before you blink, funding for Planned Parenthood, Climate accords, and universal basic income will all be implemented in conjunction with coronavirus emergency “reasons.”
(Ad)Every appointee to Biden’s cabinet is demonstrating that his commitment is to infringing on liberty, in favor of the implementation of woke ideology, big government, globalist ideals. Which is why now is the time to resist it all manfully. Your Protestant heritage is at stake. Your children’s future liberty is at stake. And this “emergency” so-called is clearly going to be used ad infinitum to create new departments, new monstrosities of infringement on religious and civil liberty, new mutilations of children (both born and unborn, i.e. gender surgeries and abortion), and new excuses for treating you and your children like slaves.
So Grin & Giddy-up
Which is why, regardless of how this all falls out, you must thank the Lord for it all. He’s given us leaders we deserved. He’s spared us from a pandemic which could have been worse, which we do deserve. His sovereign will raises up kings and brings them low. If Biden is president of these sadly divided states, we must get to work rebuilding the Old West.
What I mean by that is this. Evangelicals, who voted for Trump in droves both in 2016 and 2020, have come to attend church quite sporadically. Evangelicals from 40 years ago would have been stunned to learn that the average evangelical only goes to church once a month. They’d be even more stunned to find out that many evangelical churches have willingly closed for almost a year. So, what can we do to fight the oncoming hordes of progressivism and Big Government?
Not by waving a Trump flag. Not by speculating of endless conspiracy theories. Not by violent action, unless provoked.
Go to church. Every Sunday. Go there with the wife of your youth. Then make a bunch of babies with her, and only her. Raise those children and educate them privately. Start multiple businesses and create multiple income streams. Tithe to your church, and give generously to those truly in need. Read your Bible regularly. Sing hymns at your City Hall. Stop watching porn. Stop getting drunk & high. Stop giving a rip what celebrities tell you to be ashamed of or applaud. Buy a few guns. Throw the best neighborhood BBQs.
And before all of that, and underneath all of that, turn from your sin, confess it all, and hear the good news of the Gospel, which Christmas proclaims: Christ is King of planet earth. Worship and serve Him alone.