Our justification is not by works. But our justification really does result in new life. In this new life, we find that, by the Spirit’s power, there is work for us to do. The work is heavy. The work might even make you bloody. The world will despise your work. But the work is glorious.
The Text
Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself. But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. For every man shall bear his own burden. […]
Galatians 6:1ff
Summary of the Text
The liberty of the Gospel is not the removal of all restraint. As Paul says in Romans, “Should we sin so that grace may abound? God forbid!” Gospel liberty includes confronting a brother overtaken in a fault (v1), but this rebuke is to be done by those who are spiritual, literally Spirit-people. Confronting sin in others should be aimed towards restoring the brother, and guarding against falling into sin yourself (v1). The Law of Christ requires us to refuse the rugged individualism of modern thinking, and instead bear each other’s burdens (v2). This demands mutual humility (v3). Though we are a community, you must not coast on the work of others; your bushel will either be full of the works of the flesh or the fruit of the Spirit (vv4-5).
The saints have a duty to be in fellowship with their teachers, and this means submission and loyalty to the truth he is obligated to teach (v6). The Belgic Confession remarks on this very thing: “Moreover, to keep God’s holy order from being violated or despised, we say that everyone ought, as much as possible, to hold the ministers of the Word and elders of the church in special esteem, because of the work they do, and be at peace with them, without grumbling, quarreling, or fighting (BC, Article 31).”
Sowing and reaping is inescapable (v7). It’s all a matter of whether you will sow fleshly seeds or spiritual seeds. One bears a harvest of corruption, the other a harvest of everlasting life (v8). But planting and harvest requires being unwearied in good works (v9). Our good works should be ordered, giving priority to the “household of faith”, but this does not absolve us from showing goodness to all men (v10).
As we noted at the beginning of this letter this is all deeply personal for Paul. He had been called by the Lord Jesus Himself, commissioned to bring the Gospel to the Gentiles, and he had suffered persecution for it. Paul closes this letter with a personal touch, he takes the pen from the scribe to add his signature and authentication to this letter (v11). Then he emphasizes that the troublers wanted the Galatians circumcised not out of love for the Galatians, but to spare themselves from persecution (v12). In all their zeal for law-keeping, they are in fact law-breakers, because they glory in the flesh (v13). True glory is in the shape of Christ’s cross; this is what Paul glories in, that he has died to the old world and it has died to him (v14). Christ’s cross has remade the world, and there’s no undoing it (v15). Walking according to this reality assures these Gentiles that they are the Israel of God (v16). This really should end the dispute, because Paul’s body is tattooed with the stripes of his sufferings for the Gospel (v17). Paul closes by blessing the brethren, with the grace of Jesus equipping their spirit to be this fruitful orchard (v18).
The Law of Christ
The Galatians had their work cut out for them. They had been bewitched by the Judaizer’s lies. It would take time to undo the spell, and thus patience with one another. Picture a part of your property overgrown with unwanted thorn bushes; you might need a hand loading the brush into the bed of the truck. Reformation takes time and patience; restoring fallen brethren takes the long-suffering which should mark us as “Spirit-people.”
Those of the flesh are burden givers, those of the Spirit are burden bearers. Think of Jesus’ rebuke of lawyers of his time: “And he said, Woe unto you also, ye lawyers! for ye lade men with burdens grievous to be borne, and ye yourselves touch not the burdens with one of your fingers (Luk 11:46).” Fleshly men, who place their trust in the old world, are only doing so to avoid the persecution that arises from preaching the cross. Their only use for you is whether you’ll make them more glorious. They won’t get their own hand dirty, they won’t risk their own reputation.
Life in Christ makes sacrificial men and women. Look at Paul’s stigmata. Those who follow Christ joyfully lay down their lives for the sake of truth. Even in confronting those in sin, we are doing so for the sake of their restoration. Sin is living in the old world and according to the old man. But those in Christ live in the new world, living in certain hope for the final resurrection. Thus we bear each others burdens: confronting sin, laboring at good works, enduring persecution, comforting each other in our sorrows.
When the Law of Moses was given, it was followed by the Spirit filling God’s people to build the tabernacle (Ex. 31:3). They were equipped for service in building the house of God. The seed of the law of Moses had now flowered into the law of Christ, and now Gentiles were filled with the Spirit to serve in the construction of the house of God.
Mercy & Peace
Paul saw that Christ really had remade the world. It may not look like it by earthly sight, but by faith we see that this world is being made new. Paul’s benediction is rich with this confident faith that we have entered the new creation through Christ. Israel is being restored, not under the law, but by faith in Christ. Thus, the comfort to God’s people is that the everlasting mercy of God rests upon you. The peace of Israel’s God rests upon this new Israel: the church (Ps. 125).
The message which Paul has been hammering home in Galatians is that you are not brought into this abundant life through striving after law-adherence. You enter this new creation, this new Israel, by faith in the One who is the first-fruit of God’s great harvest. God planted a seed in Eden, and in the fulness of time it burst forth into the world. The seed of the woman crushed the seed of the serpent. God planted in Eden, but is now harvesting in all the world. Those who trust in Christ are a part of this great harvest of God. Are you in Christ? Well then, the shalom of Yahweh rests upon you. Not because you are circumcised, but because you are crucified with Christ.
So what of the Old Israel? Unbelieving Israel might be likened to the dwarves in Lewis’ The Last Battle. They will not open their eyes to see that they are not in the musty old stable, but are in a new world; a world in which the Messiah has come and obtained the promise given to Abraham. This should elicit our pity, not our contempt. But we must not join them in pretending that we are in the donkey’s stable. We have come to heavenly Jerusalem, through Christ and His cross.
The Cross & New Creation
The new world is cross shaped. This is your glory. But this glory takes time. It takes long-suffering and patience. It takes sowing to the Spirit. Paul sees by faith that in the cross he is crucified to the old world, but the opposite is true as well. The world is dead to Paul. The old world despises the new world. The flesh lusts against the Spirit. Ishmael persecutes Isaac. The cross comes before the crown. So then, do not grow weary. In the cross you died to the old world and its desires, and by faith you live in the shadowlands of everlasting life.
Charge & Benediction
To sum up Galatians is to say, “Do not go back into the immaturity.” Are you in Christ? Well, then by the Spirit you are to labor at good works, and not grow weary of those good works. But as one of the Wilson clan once said, “Baskets of fruit are heavy.” So, walk in the liberty of this new creation, and do not return to the prison cell of the old world and its sin and folly.
16 And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God. 17 From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus. 18 Brethren, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.
Galatians 6:16-18