Mr. Trump…
…your silence this week on the Supreme Court’s ruling which struck down Texas’ abortion laws, spoke volumes. You, as the GOP’s presumptive nominee, are now the spokesperson for the pro-life movement, and the fact that you offered no rebuttal, rebuke, or response is shameful; you’ve already scratched the bottom of the shameful behavior barrel, but your dead silence on this miscarriage of justice was quite telling.
We’ve spent over a year now hearing your wildly flailing remarks on a whole range of topics, as it seems nothing was off limits to you. You mocked a respected conservative journalist in Megan Kelly, and spent weeks exhibiting behavior more suited to a pre-schooler. You defended your steaks, your wine, your hotels, your university, your abusive staff, all while berating men and women who have spent much of their lives and reputations fighting for conservative causes (Erik Erickson, Glenn Beck, Ted Cruz, etc.).
Your language was often on just this side of libelous slander, and you did not shy away from airing crazy, loony-tune stories about Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories. You’ve probably had more airtime than any GOP candidate has had in decades, combined!
And yet here, when the lives of millions of innocent babies are at stake, you, Mr. Trump, failed to decry this latest abomination, all while basking in the praise and endorsements of so-called evangelical leaders. This is not only sickening, it is a cause for great sorrow. You’ve been a great butt of many jokes, and ridicule and mockery are generally the only fitting response to you and your policy proposals.
Spineless When it Mattered
But here, I cannot laugh, I must mourn the betrayal of the pro-life movement into the hands of an egotistical salesman. Your silence ought to have been the death knell of any support from evangelical Christians, but as Jeremiah once said, “my people love to have it so (Jer. 5:31)”. Sir, with all do respect, you have undertaken to be given the mantle of leadership of a country whose hands are stained with the blood of millions of children. That ought to haunt your sleep, cause your fists to clench, and put iron in your spine to spend your energy denouncing and ending this heinous practice which our judiciary has failed to end.
Instead, silence. From a man known to run his mouth, silence. From a man who is a father to a lovely family, silence. From a presidential candidate who is now the leader of the pro-life movement, silence. A dead silence, with all the meaning of that phrase. You are either too timid, or too calculating (which is worse) to speak up when black babies will be slaughtered in disproportionate numbers because abortion continues. Sir, if you have an ounce of the bravado which you daily parade on Twitter, you would use it to put in front of the American conscience the fact that we have dissected 540,000 unborn Americans this year. Were you silent because you were sickened by this? Or because you do not care?
Please, Mr. Trump, you must be made to care; and one day, you will be made to care (Rom. 2:6).
Since originally publishing this on June 29, 2016, Mr. Trump finally denounced the Supreme Court ruling.
However, the underlying issue of his ambivalence towards this dire matter still remains of extreme concern.
Want to do something?

Share this image. This is a 22 week old baby. My sister and sister-in-law are both about this far along in their pregnancies; meaning, the Supreme Court ruled that Texas could not inhibit the slaughtering of a child this old.
Also, call your Senators, Representatives, the Trump Campaign (646-736-1779)
Do not be silent.
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