My Reaction to Trump Thus Far
It has been a while since I commented on the convulsions o’er yonder in D.C. Thus far, the Trump Administration has done things I’ve been pleasantly surprised by: withdrawing from the Paris Accords, appointing Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, many of his other cabinet appointments, the general direction of his tax/economic policies, the some of the foreign policy decisions, and I’ve enjoyed calling my coffee covfefe (makes me feel exotic). Other things have been unsurprising and were my concerns in the GOP primary last year: very soft on abortion and homosexual mirage, wanting to replace Obamacare rather than an entire repeal, and some of the continuing uncertainty surrounding what Trump’s intended aims are (what does he mean by making America great again).
One thing that has been of continual pleasure though, is how the media and the left have exhausted themselves in chasing after his every decoy. He tweets, they foment outrage for a week. Then he tweets again, and they obediently comply with their dutiful railings against his unpresidential methods. He is playing them like a fiddle, and it still seems like the media especially are profoundly dense at recognizing how dependent they’ve become on him. If the news media is content to waste their energy trying to sniff up every possible link between Moscow (the one I don’t live in) and Trump, and tire out their audience, have at it. Their emotional tank is running on fumes and they still have three and a half more years–at least–of this.
In Soviet Russia…
Speaking of Russia, I think perhaps the one observation I think is important to make is that the left and the media–but I repeat myself–can’t seem to leave this alone. It isn’t that they think it is important, but it is that they think they’ve found something the American people will side with them on in their attempt to slow down Trump’s presidency. However, we must not forget that Trump did the customary thing of letting his opponent, Clinton, concede graciously and fade into the background.
Weeks before the election he was threatening to “lock her up.” Clinton’s corruption and HER links to Russia were perhaps one of the voters’ primary reason for disdaining her. This Trump + Russia story that the media can’t seem to let go of is curious, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see Trump resurrect his threat to investigate Clinton’s emails issue. If he does, the Russia story will be dropped within moments. “What ties to Russia? We never were concerned about Russian hackers…that was the paranoid GOP.”
We Hate the Womb, Because We Serve the Serpent
Notice, though, that the media has not risen up in ire that three of our states are seeking to negotiate a treaty with other countries, which is an actual act of treason. If nothing else, we are in for a very tumultuous couple of years, and we deserve it. After all, these are our news stories: feminists no longer want men to join their cause because men are just not to be trusted, unless they are dressed as a woman, the anus is now a sex organ which teens are being taught to use as such, because heaven forbid we actually conceive a child (which if you do you are damaging the environment). We hate the woman’s womb because it reminds us that the Seed of our first mother crushed the head of the Serpent our nation has come to serve. We have tolerated this idolatry and rebellion against God and nature, and thus, we deserve every tweet-storm from Trump and every upheaval that is coming.
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