Isaiah foretells that the coming of the Messiah would be comfort to God’s people. Throughout the Gospels those brought to Jesus for healing are told to, “Be of good comfort.” In Paul’s epistles, the Spirit is called the Spirit of comfort, and the Word of the Gospel is to be used by the saints as a means of comforting one another.
In English the word comfort might simply conjure up the comforts of modern life: AC in the summer, extra legroom in our cars and planes, light at the flick of a switch, phones that can face-time almost anyone in the world at anytime. But this isn’t what the older meaning of what the word comfort would convey. The Latin root word there is fortis which means strength.
The comfort of Jesus, the comfort of His Spirit, the comfort of His Gospel Word imparts strength. It doesn’t pamper us in our sorrows, as if eternal sulks were what the Fount of every blessing ordained for us. He made us in His image, after all. And through Christ we are restored to that image. By His Spirit we are strengthened more and more to resemble Christ our Savior. By comforting one another with these words we press one another onward in Christ-likeness.
This meal, then, is a true comfort. But only if you receive it by faith. Christ gives to us, through this meal, the covenant assurance that we share in His Resurrection Life. Your mortal body is wasting away; it will soon be planted like a seed. But because of Jesus, your mortal body will be raised into immortal strength. So, then, lift up your chin. Know that your tears will soon be dried by the everlasting life which is the inheritance our Lord Jesus procured for us. This is true comfort.
So come in faith and welcome to Jesus Christ…