The best suppers are those with good stories told during the meal. The Lord’s Supper is the best of suppers, because it is the best story, told by the Master of Stories. This story is the true myth.
It retells how God made a paradise, placing a human King and Queen to rule it. But they were willfully deceived by an evil dragon, and thus fell from royalty into slavery.
God swiftly promised to avenge and deliver His people. Some believed His promise, others scoffed; preferring the chains. Long years passed, and often the people who had received the signs and promises of God’s worldwide conquest of the dragon’s kingdom grew weary of waiting.
In the fullness of time, the Father sent the Son, our Lord Jesus. He came healing and forgiving sins. He proclaimed good news that He would overthrow the dragon, and establish His Kingdom, where justice and peace would have no end. But the dragon and his puppets couldn’t stomach the idea of being cast down. So Pontius Pilate, King Herod, the Jewish chief priests, a close friend of Jesus, and unbelieving Jews conspired to slay the Prince of Glory. They broke His body. They spilled His blood.
But in slaying the only innocent man who was never enslaved to the dragon, they were unwittingly fulfilling the deeper magic. The great hero, in laying His life down, crushed the dragon’s skull. By His Son’s death and defeat of the ancient Serpent, the Father is pleased to extend a promise to all who come in faith to this table. The promise is that for those who come, you are adopted out of slavery to sin, and made royalty. You now share in the conquest, the spoils of the war, the joy of His eternal reign of peace. You enjoy His song over you; and His song to us, His redeemed bride, is this, “Thou art all fair, my love; there is no spot in thee (Sng 4:7).â€
So come in faith and welcome to Jesus…